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Wastewater Operators: What Applicants for Licensing Need to Know

Preparing for the licensing exams for wastewater treatment plant and collection system operators.

This page will assist you in preparing for your licensing exam. Select the class and type of license you are applying for in the list below to find the information you should know before taking the exam.

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Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators

Wastewater Collection System Operators

What You Need to Know for a Class D Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Exam

Subject Category Scope of Category The Class D Operator Should:
Statutes and Rules Statutes and rules relating to the TCEQ authority to control wastewater discharges to the waters of the state. Know the basic laws and rules that grant authority to the TCEQ to protect waters of the state by issuing waste discharge permits and licensing wastewater operators.
Permits Requirements of the TCEQ’s system for waste discharge permits and self-reporting. Know the basic provisions of a typical domestic waste discharge permit. Know the basic permit definitions of wastewater flow and quality parameters.
Design Criteria TCEQ “Design Criteria for Sewerage Systems” (30 TAC Chapter 217) Be aware that there are design criteria for sewerage systems in Texas which set minimum standards for design and construction of wastewater collection, pumping, treatment, and disposal systems.
Safety Safety practices for wastewater collection and treatment personnel. Recognize hazards for wastewater collection and treatment personnel, and be able to work safely without constant supervision.
Laboratory Wastewater monitoring, sampling, testing, analysis, instrumentation, equipment and techniques. Know general purpose and function of adequate laboratory testing for proper control of wastewater treatment processes.
Management Management theory and techniques as applied in the wastewater utility discipline. Recognize need for management skills in the wastewater collection and treatment utility. Also recognize appropriate management decisions when presented in typical work situations.
General Knowledge General characteristics of wastewater and its effects on public health and the environment. Know definition, source, estimated quantity, basic physical and chemical composition, reasons for collection and treatment, and basic effects of untreated or partially treated effluents on receiving streams.
Collection Wastewater collection system facility components, materials of construction, construction practices, operation and maintenance. Know general purpose and function of various collection system components and appurtenances. Recognize attendant safety hazards.
Pumping Wastewater pumps and motors, pumping installations, operation and maintenance. Know the purpose and function of various types of wastewater pumps and pumping installations. Recognize attendant safety hazards.
Preliminary Treatment Wastewater preliminary treatment facilities, operation and maintenance. Know general purpose and function of various preliminary treatment facilities, such as bar screens, comminutors, and grit removal methods and equipment. Recognize attendant safety hazards.
Primary Treatment Characteristics, operation, and maintenance of primary treatment processes and equipment. (Includes Imhoff tanks.) Know general purpose and function of various primary treatment facilities, including Imhoff tanks.
Ponds Characteristics, biology, operation and maintenance of various types of wastewater lagoons and treatment ponds. Know general purpose and function of various types of wastewater treatment ponds and lagoons.
Trickling Filters Characteristics, operation and maintenance of various types of trickling filters and RBC units. Know basic components, general purpose, and function of trickling filters and RBC units.
Activated Sludge Characteristics, operation and maintenance of various modes of activated sludge treatment processes. Know general features (flow patterns and comparative detention times) of various modes of activated sludge wastewater treatment processes.
Process Control Process control of various modes of wastewater treatment. Be familiar with sampling and testing techniques utilized to control various modes of wastewater treatment. Be aware of the TCEQ’s recommended minimum process-control tests for domestic wastewater treatment facilities.
Disinfection Characteristics of chlorination and dechlorination processes and equipment, and alternative methods of disinfection. Know the purpose, various uses, hazards, and important effects of chlorine in wastewater treatment. Be aware of reasons and need for dechlorination of treated wastewater effluents. Know pros and cons of various other methods of wastewater disinfection.
Sludge Digestion Characteristics, operation and maintenance of aerobic and anaerobic sludge-digestion processes. Know the general purpose and function of both aerobic and anaerobic digestion. Be aware of safety hazards.
Biosolids Disposal Methods of thickening, dewatering, and stabilization of wastewater sludges. Characteristics of digested biosolids, and methods of disposal or alternative use. Sampling and analysis requirements and procedures for sludges, biosolids, and soil samples. Know the general purpose and function of various processes for wastewater sludge treatment and disposal of biosolids.
Effluent Disposal Characteristics of treated wastewater effluents from secondary processes, methods of disposal or reuse, sampling and testing requirements and procedures for disposal by irrigation or to surface waters of the state. Includes an introduction to advanced wastewater treatment (tertiary treatment) of secondary effluents. Know the general purpose and function of various alternative methods of treated effluent disposal or reuse.
Math Problems Geometric and algebraic math calculations related to wastewater flow, collection, pumping, and treatment. Exhibit ability to solve one- or two-step geometry and algebraic problems involving area, volume, flow rate, dosage rate, etc. as related to wastewater flow, collection, and treatment situations.

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What You Need to Know for a Class C Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Exam

Subject Category Scope of Category In Addition to Thorough Knowledge of All Need-to-Know Criteria for Lower Levels,
the Class C Operator Should:
Statutes and Rules Statutes and rules relating to the TCEQ authority to control wastewater discharges to the waters of the state. Know who must be a licensed wastewater treatment plant operator, and the minimum requirements for licensing at various levels.
Permits Requirements of the TCEQ’s system for waste discharge permits and self-reporting. Know basic wastewater flow and quality parameters which are measured, recorded, and reported through the TCEQ Self-reporting system. Know authority of TCEQ personnel to visit or inspect permittees’ facilities.
Design Criteria TCEQ “Design Criteria for Sewerage Systems” (30 TAC Chapter 217) Know design criteria relative to minimum detention times in various wastewater treatment units and systems.
Safety Safety practices for wastewater collection and treatment personnel. Know safe procedures for self and other employees engaged in wastewater treatment.
Laboratory Wastewater monitoring, sampling, testing, analysis, instrumentation, equipment and techniques. Know proper procedures for collection and preservation of samples of treatment process for laboratory analysis. Be generally familiar with methods of analysis.
Management Management theory and techniques as applied in the wastewater utility discipline. Recognize duties and responsibilities of various levels of management team.
General Knowledge General characteristics of wastewater and its effects on public health and the environment. Know possible effects on environment and public health of inadequate treatment of wastewater.
Collection Wastewater collection system facility components, materials of construction, construction practices, operation and maintenance. Recognize influence of collection system operation and maintenance on quantity and quality of raw wastewater received at the treatment plant.
Pumping Wastewater pumps and motors, pumping installations, operation and maintenance. Know how various pumps operate, and basic maintenance procedures for both pumps and motors. Recognize how pumps and pumping installations affect treatment plant operation.
Preliminary Treatment Wastewater preliminary treatment facilities, operation and maintenance. Know operational characteristics and maintenance of various preliminary treatment equipment and processes.
Primary Treatment Characteristics, operation, and maintenance of primary treatment processes and equipment. (Includes Imhoff tanks.) Know operational characteristics and maintenance of various primary treatment facilities.
Ponds Characteristics, biology, operation, and maintenance of various types of wastewater lagoons and treatment ponds. Know operational characteristics and maintenance of various types of wastewater treatment ponds and lagoons.
Trickling Filters Characteristics, operation, and maintenance of various types of trickling filters and RBC units. Know operational characteristics and maintenance of trickling filters and RBC units.
Activated Sludge Characteristics, operation, and maintenance of various modes of activated sludge treatment processes. Know operational characteristics and maintenance of various modes of activated sludge wastewater treatment processes.
Process Control Process control of various modes of wastewater treatment. Know recommended monitoring, sampling, and testing procedures for small (1.0–5.0 MGD) wastewater treatment facilities, and recognize applications of various laboratory tests to optimize solids monitoring and control.
Disinfection Characteristics of chlorination and dechlorination processes and equipment, and alternative methods of disinfection. Know operational characteristics and maintenance of various chlorination systems including basic safety practices. Know interrelationship between chlorine demand, dosage, and residual.
Sludge Digestion Characteristics, operation, and maintenance of aerobic and anaerobic sludge-digestion processes. Know operational characteristics and maintenance of both aerobic and anaerobic sludge-digestion processes including basic safety practices.
Biosolids Disposal Methods of thickening, dewatering, and stabilization of wastewater sludges. Characteristics of digested biosolids and methods of disposal or alternative use. Sampling and analysis requirements and procedures for sludges, biosolids, and soil samples. Know operational characteristics and maintenance of sludge conditioning and dewatering equipment. Know basic procedures and alternative methods of disposal or reuse of stable biosolids.
Effluent Disposal Characteristics of treated wastewater effluents from secondary processes, methods of disposal or reuse, sampling and testing requirements and procedures for disposal by irrigation or to surface waters of the state. Includes an introduction to advanced wastewater treatment (tertiary treatment) of secondary effluents. Know operational characteristics and maintenance of various treated effluent disposal and/or reuse facilities.
Math Problems Geometric and algebraic math calculations related to wastewater flow, collection, pumping, and treatment. Exhibit ability to solve two- or three-step geometric and algebraic problems involving area, volume, flow rate, dosage rate, etc. as related to wastewater flow, collection, and treatment situations.

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What You Need to Know for a Class B Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Exam

Subject Category Scope of Category In Addition to Thorough Knowledge of All Need-to-Know Criteria for Lower Levels,
the Class B Operator Should:
Statutes and Rules Statutes and rules relating to the TCEQ’s authority to control wastewater discharges to the waters of the state. Know the TCEQ categorization system for domestic wastewater treatment facilities in Texas, and class of licensed operator required at each category facility. Know authority of TCEQ to revoke a license or otherwise censure operators for violations of TCEQ rules.
Permits Requirements of the TCEQ’s system for waste discharge permits and self-reporting. Be able to determine violation of specific waste discharge permit limits from wastewater flow and quality data records.
Design Criteria TCEQ “Design Criteria for Sewerage Systems” (30 TAC Chapter 217) Know design criteria relating to minimum sizes of wastewater collection system components, materials of construction, construction practices, flow velocities, etc.
Safety Safety practices for wastewater collection and treatment personnel. Know safe procedures for self and other employees engaged in wastewater collection and treatment.
Laboratory Wastewater monitoring, sampling, testing, analysis, instrumentation, equipment and techniques. Know steps in performing basic laboratory analyses. Be able to interpret results of various laboratory tests, and make proper adjustments to treatment processes.
Management Management theory and techniques as applied in the wastewater utility discipline. Be able to implement management techniques under direction of a city manager or director of public works.
General Knowledge General characteristics of wastewater and its effects on public health and the environment. Know effects of infiltration and inflow and industrial wastes on various collection and treatment processes. Recognize the need for adequate pretreatment of industrial wastes to reduce costs and protect domestic wastewater collection and treatment systems.
Collection Wastewater collection system facility components, materials of construction, construction practices, operation, and maintenance. Know materials of construction, construction practices, and operation and maintenance procedures for collection systems.
Pumping Wastewater pumps and motors, pumping installations, operation and maintenance. Know how various pumping installations operate. Know interrelationship of discharge vs. capacity for centrifugal pumps.
Preliminary Treatment Wastewater preliminary treatment facilities, operation and maintenance. Recognize evidence of inadequate preliminary treatment processes, and know methods of remediation.
Primary Treatment Characteristics, operation, and maintenance of primary treatment processes and equipment. (Includes Imhoff tanks.) Recognize operational malfunctions, understand physical and biological reasons for malfunctions, and know methods of remediation.
Ponds Characteristics, biology, operation and maintenance of various types of wastewater lagoons and treatment ponds. Recognize operational malfunctions, understand physical and biological reasons for malfunctions, and know methods of remediation.
Trickling Filters Characteristics, operation and maintenance of various types of trickling filters and RBC units. Recognize operational malfunctions, understand physical and biological reasons for malfunctions, and know methods of remediation.
Activated Sludge Characteristics, operation, and maintenance of various modes of activated sludge treatment processes. Recognize operational malfunctions, understand physical and biological reasons for malfunctions, and know methods of remediation.
Process Control Process control of various modes of wastewater treatment. Know recommended minimum process control tests for medium-sized (5.0–10.0 MGD) wastewater treatment facilities. Exhibit ability to select appropriate operational data and make use of various techniques of solids control to optimize the various treatment processes.
Disinfection Characteristics of chlorination and dechlorination processes and equipment, and alternative methods of disinfection. Exhibit ability to utilize interrelationship between chlorine demand, dosage, and residual to optimize chlorine usage within the wastewater treatment system.
Sludge Digestion Characteristics, operation and maintenance of aerobic and anaerobic sludge digestion processes. Know how to diagnose problems of sludge-digestion processes, and propose corrective actions.
Biosolids Disposal Methods of thickening, dewatering, and stabilization of wastewater sludges. Characteristics of digested biosolids, and methods of disposal or alternative use. Sampling and analysis requirements and procedures for sludges, biosolids, and soil samples. Know how to diagnose problems of sludge conditioning and dewatering equipment and propose corrective actions. Know various alternative methods of disposal or reuse of biosolids.
Effluent Disposal Characteristics of treated wastewater effluents from secondary processes, methods of disposal or reuse, sampling and testing requirements and procedures for disposal by irrigation or to surface waters of the state. Includes an introduction to advanced wastewater treatment (tertiary treatment) of secondary effluents. Know how to diagnose problems with various effluent disposal and/or reuse systems. Know sampling and testing requirements soils and receiving streams used for effluent disposal.
Math Problems Geometric and algebraic math calculations related to wastewater flow, collection, pumping, and treatment. Exhibit ability to solve geometric or algebraic problems with three or more steps involving area, volume, flow rate, dosage rate, etc. as related to wastewater collection and treatment systems.

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What You Need to Know for a Class A Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Exam

Subject Category Scope of Category In Addition to Thorough Knowledge of All Need-to-Know Criteria for Lower Levels,
the Class A Operator Should:
Statutes and Rules Statutes and rules relating to the TCEQ authority to control wastewater discharges to the waters of the state. Know the authority of TCEQ to enforce its rules, and assess monetary penalties on permittees and operators for violations of Texas Water Code.
Permits Requirements of the TCEQ’s system for waste discharge permits and self-reporting. Know more detailed provisions of domestic waste discharge permits such as the “75-90 Rule.”
Design Criteria TCEQ “Design Criteria for Sewerage Systems” (30 TAC Chapter 217) Know more complex Design Criteria Requirements relating to wastewater collection, pumping, and treatment.
Safety Safety practices for wastewater collection and treatment personnel. Be able to develop safety training programs for wastewater collection and treatment personnel.
Laboratory Wastewater monitoring, sampling, testing, analysis, instrumentation, equipment and techniques. Know limitations of various laboratory analyses, and possible distortion of laboratory results by faulty sampling techniques, faulty testing procedures, stale reagents, etc.
Management Management theory and techniques as applied in the wastewater utility discipline. Know management techniques, and be prepared to serve in position of upper management in a city or other utility.
General Knowledge General characteristics of wastewater and its effects on public health and the environment. Know methods of reducing infiltration and inflow. Be able to devise and implement industrial pretreatment plans.
Collection Wastewater collection system facility components, materials of construction, construction practices, operation, and maintenance. Understand basic concepts of gravity- and pressure-flow design. Be able to use various graphs, nomographs, and charts that predict gravity- and pressure-flow phenomena in circular conduits.
Pumping Wastewater pumps and motors, pumping installations, operation and maintenance. Be able to use centrifugal pump curves in combination with system head curves to calculate pump discharge capacity for both single- and multiple-pump installations.
Preliminary Treatment Wastewater preliminary treatment facilities, operation, and maintenance. Diagnose operational problems, and recommend solutions by modification of treatment regime or facilities.
Primary Treatment Characteristics, operation, and maintenance of primary treatment processes and equipment. (Includes Imhoff tanks.) Diagnose operational problems, and recommend solutions by modification of treatment regime or facilities.
Ponds Characteristics, biology, operation and maintenance of various types of wastewater lagoons and treatment ponds. Diagnose operational problems, and recommend solutions by modification of treatment regime or facilities.
Trickling Filters Characteristics, operation and maintenance of various types of trickling filters and RBC units. Diagnose operational problems, and recommend solutions by modification of treatment regime or facilities.
Activated Sludge Characteristics, operation and maintenance of various modes of activated sludge treatment processes. Diagnose operational problems, and recommend solutions by modification of treatment regime or facilities.
Process Control Process control of various modes of wastewater treatment. Know recommended minimum operational control tests for large (> 10 MGD) wastewater treatment facilities. Know operational capabilities to prepare various treatment processes to absorb either hydraulic or organic “shock loads” through proper management of biomass.
Disinfection Characteristics of chlorination and dechlorination processes and equipment, and alternative methods of disinfection. Know details of various alternative methods of disinfection and dechlorination.
Sludge Digestion Characteristics, operation and maintenance of aerobic and anaerobic sludge-digestion processes. Know relative merits of both aerobic and anaerobic digestion processes and equipment.
Biosolids Disposal Methods of thickening, dewatering, and stabilization of wastewater sludges. Characteristics of digested biosolids, and methods of disposal or alternative use. Sampling and analysis requirements and procedures for sludges, biosolids, and soil samples. Know relative merits of various sludge treatment and disposal methods and equipment. Know various alternative methods of disposal or reuse of biosolids.
Effluent Disposal Characteristics of treated wastewater effluents from secondary processes, methods of disposal or reuse, sampling and testing requirements and procedures for disposal by irrigation or to surface waters of the state. Includes an introduction to advanced wastewater treatment (tertiary treatment) of secondary effluents. Know relative merits of various treated effluent disposal or reuse methods and equipment. Know sampling and testing requirements for both soils and receiving stream analysis.
Math Problems Geometric and algebraic math calculations related to wastewater flow, collection, pumping, and treatment. Exhibit ability to solve both geometric and algebraic problems with extraneous data in problem statement in applications to wastewater flow, pumping, and treatment situations.

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What You Need to Know for a Class III Wastewater Collection System Operator Exam

Subject Category Scope of Category In Addition to Thorough Knowledge of All Need-to-Know Criteria for Lower Levels,
the Class III Operator Should:
Statutes and Rules Statutes and rules relating to the TCEQ authority to control wastewater discharges to the waters of the state. Know TCEQ Rules regarding categorization of wastewater collection and treatment systems, who must be licensed, and staffing requirements for various categories of collection and treatment systems.
Design Criteria TCEQ “Design Criteria for Sewerage Systems” (30 TAC Chapter 217) Know alternative materials and construction methods which must be used when minimum clearances cannot be maintained between potable water and wastewater lines. Know minimum and recommended flow velocities for wastewater collection systems.
Wastewater Characteristics Source, volume, physical and chemical characteristics of domestic wastewater. Know how to estimate wastewater volumes for both dry-weather and wet-weather flows.
Wastewater Treatment Identification and general function of various domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Know methods, facilities, and procedures used to control quantity and quality of wastewater at the wastewater treatment facility.
Safety Safety practices for wastewater collection and treatment system personnel. Be able to design and conduct safety training programs for personnel engaged in maintenance and/or operation of wastewater collection, pumping, and treatment systems.
Traffic Control Devices Identification, function and proper use of various traffic control devices. Know preparation of safe traffic control plans for job sites including proper setup procedures and recommended spacing of traffic-control devices.
Collection System Facilities Identification and function of various wastewater collection system facility components. Know purpose and function of more advanced wastewater collection components such as inverted siphons, interceptor tunnels, force mains, flow equalization controls, and SCADA systems.
System Construction Materials of construction, and construction, repair, and rehabilitation practices for wastewater collection system facility components. Be able to budget and/or estimate materials, equipment, and personnel needed for construction, repair, and rehabilitation of wastewater collection system facilities.
System Inspection Inspection equipment and practices for both new and existing wastewater collection system facility components. Be able to budget and/or estimate materials, equipment and personnel needed to inspect both existing and new collection system facilities.
System Operation Operation and maintenance equipment and practices for wastewater collection system facilities. Be able to budget and/or estimate various equipment, chemicals and procedures to determine most appropriate method of cleaning and maintenance of collection system facilities.
Pumping Wastewater pumps, motors, and pumping installations. Be able to use various pump curves, flow nomographs, head-loss tables and graphs to determine expected flow from an individual pump or multiple pumps in series or parallel.
Equipment Maintenance Maintenance of wastewater collection system equipment including pumps, motors, construction, inspection, and cleaning equipment. Be able to design and implement preventive-maintenance programs.
Management Management theory and techniques as applied to the wastewater utility discipline. Be able to implement management techniques under direction of a city manager or director of public works.
General Information General effects of untreated or partially treated wastewater on human health, safety and the environment. Be able to design and conduct long-term stream monitoring surveys to determine effects of WWTP effluent discharge.
Math Problems Geometric and algebraic problems relating to wastewater flow, transport, pumping, system construction, operation and maintenance. Be able to apply various formulas and conversion factors to the solution of two or more step sample math problems relating to wastewater system construction and operation.

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What You Need to Know for a Class II Wastewater Collection System Operator Exam

Subject Category Scope of Category In Addition to Thorough Knowledge of All Need-to-Know Criteria for Lower Levels,
the Class II Operator Should:
Statutes and Rules Statutes and rules relating to the TCEQ authority to control wastewater discharges to the waters of the state. Know TCEQ Rules regarding categorization of wastewater collection systems, who must be licensed, and staffing requirements for various categories of collection systems.
Design Criteria TCEQ “Design Criteria for Sewerage Systems” (30 TAC Chapter 217) Know the minimum clearances that should be maintained between potable water and wastewater lines. Know recommended minimum pipe sizes and pressure classifications of materials of construction.
Wastewater Characteristics Source, volume, physical and chemical characteristics of domestic wastewater. Know causes of septic wastewater and potential hazards to both personnel and facilities. Know methods to prevent or correct septic conditions in collection system when they occur.
Wastewater Treatment Identification and general function of various domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Know how both the quantity and quality of wastewater can effect treatment processes at the wastewater treatment facility.
Safety Safety practices for wastewater collection and treatment system personnel. Be able to conduct safety training programs for personnel engaged in maintenance and/or operation of wastewater collection and pumping systems.
Traffic Control Devices Identification, function and proper use of various traffic-control devices. Interpret and implement traffic control plans for job sites including proper setup procedures and recommended spacing of traffic control devices.
Collection System Facilities Identification and function of various wastewater collection system facility components. Know purpose and function of more advanced wastewater collection components such as inverted siphons, interceptor tunnels, force mains, and flow-equalization controls.
System Construction Materials of construction, and construction, repair and rehabilitation practices for wastewater collection system facility components. Be able to compare materials of construction, different construction equipment and methods to determine the most appropriate method of construction, repair, and rehabilitation of wastewater collection system facilities.
System Inspection Inspection equipment and practices for both new and existing wastewater collection system facility components. Be able to compare various methods and equipment, and select the most appropriate method to inspect both existing and new collection system facilities.
System Operation Operation and maintenance equipment and practices for wastewater collection system facilities. Be able to compare various kinds of equipment, chemicals, and procedures to determine the most appropriate method of cleaning and maintenance of collection system facilities.
Pumping Wastewater pumps, motors, and pumping installations. Be able to use various pump curves, flow nomographs, head-loss tables and graphs to determine expected flow from an individual pump.
Equipment Maintenance Maintenance of wastewater collection system equipment, including pumps, motors, construction, inspection, and cleaning equipment. Be able to diagnose causes of various maintenance problems and recommend corrective actions.
Management Management theory and techniques as applied to the wastewater utility discipline. Recognize duties and responsibilities of various members of management team.
General Information General effects of untreated or partially treated wastewater on human health, safety, and the environment. Know effects of untreated or partially treated wastewater discharges on public health and the environment.
Math Problems Geometric and algebraic problems relating to wastewater flow, transport, pumping, system construction, operation, and maintenance. Be able to apply various formulas and conversion factors to the solution of sample math problems with two or more steps relating to wastewater system construction and operation.

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What You Need to Know for a Class I Wastewater Collection System Operator Exam

Subject Category Scope of Category the Class I Operator Should:
Statutes and Rules Statutes and rules relating to the TCEQ authority to control wastewater discharges to the waters of the state. Know the basic laws and rules that grant authority to the TCEQ to protect waters of the state by issuing waste discharge permits and licensing wastewater operators.
Design Criteria TCEQ “Design Criteria for Sewerage Systems” (30 TAC Chapter 217) Be aware that there are criteria for sewerage systems in Texas which set minimum standards for design and construction of wastewater collection, pumping, treatment, and disposal systems.
Wastewater Characteristics Source, volume, physical and chemical characteristics of domestic wastewater. Know definition, sources, estimated quantity, physical and chemical characteristics of wastewater.
Wastewater Treatment Identification and general function of various domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Know basic reasons for collection and treatment of wastewater. Know basic principles of various wastewater treatment processes such as ponds, trickling filters, and activated sludge systems.
Safety Safety practices for wastewater collection and treatment system personnel. Recognize physical, chemical and biological hazards for personnel engaged in maintenance and/or operation of wastewater collection and pumping systems. Know safe procedures for collection and maintenance system personnel.
Traffic Control Devices Identification, function, and proper use of various traffic-control devices. Know various traffic control devices and their correct use in controlling both pedestrian and vehicular traffic around construction sites.
Collection System Facilities Identification and function of various wastewater collection system facility components. Know purpose and function of various components of typical gravity wastewater collection system.
System Construction Materials of construction, and construction, repair and rehabilitation practices for wastewater collection system facility components. Know materials of construction, equipment used, and standard practices utilized during construction, repair, and rehabilitation of wastewater collection system facility components.
System Inspection Inspection equipment and practices for both new and existing wastewater collection system facility components. Know various methods and equipment used to inspect both existing and new collection system facilities.
System Operation Operation and maintenance equipment and practices for wastewater collection system facilities. Know various equipment, chemicals, and procedures used during cleaning and maintenance of collection system components.
Pumping Wastewater pumps, motors, and pumping installations. Know characteristics of various wastewater pumps and pumping installations including lift stations.
Equipment Maintenance Maintenance of wastewater collection system equipment including pumps, motors, construction, inspection, and cleaning equipment. Know tools, lubricants, techniques, and procedures used for maintenance and repair of wastewater collection equipment.
Management Management theory and techniques as applied to the wastewater utility discipline. Recognize need for management skills in the wastewater utility field. Recognize appropriate management decisions when presented in typical work situations.
General Information General effects of untreated or partially treated wastewater on human health, safety and the environment. Know effects of untreated or partially treated wastewater discharges on public health and the environment.
Math Problems Geometric and algebraic problems relating to wastewater flow, transport, pumping, system construction, operation and maintenance. Be able to apply various formulas and conversion factors to the solution of one or two step sample math problems relating to wastewater system construction and operation.