About the Annual Progress Report (APR)
Applicability and Requirements
The Pollution Prevention (P2) Annual Progress Report is required, for certain facilities, by the Waste Reduction Policy Act (WRPA).
You must submit a P2 Annual Progress Report (APR) if you are a large quantity generator or report on TRI Form R. The report delineates progress towards pollution prevention goals laid out in your P2 Plan. It provides an opportunity to review and update your plan and look for new ways to save money by reducing waste.
Small quantity generators who do not report on the TRI form R are not required to submit a P2 Annual Progress Report, but must prepare a P2 Plan and submit the Executive Summary to TCEQ.
The Texas P2 Annual Progress Report is not the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s waste minimization report (Biennial Report Form WM/IC), or the TCEQ Annual Waste Summary.
The report is intended to:
- encourage facilities to assess and monitor their pollution prevention efforts, and to
- measure statewide progress in preventing pollution.
The most important information collected in the report is the amount of pollution reduced at the source. That is the one piece of information we can collect from no other source. It documents the amount of pollution that would have been generated if you did not have a pollution-prevention project.
Reductions reported on the P2 Annual Progress Report should only reflect the amount of pollution prevented through P2 projects. If you reduced your pollution through a production decrease, it would not count as source reduction for this report. Similarly, if production increased, but a P2 project was successful, the reduction could be reported even if the amount you report on the annual waste summary increased for your facility. Also, if a regulation changed that resulted in a reduction only on paper of the amount of TRI chemical or hazardous waste generated, it would not count as a reduction for this report.
Benefits to Companies |
Many companies implement more effective pollution-prevention programs because their P2 annual progress report reveals opportunities to further reduce waste and increase profits. |
The TCEQ analyzes the data to:
- identify successful pollution-prevention projects for promotion and education,
- prepare reports for the public, press and state leaders, and
- assess our statewide progress in preventing pollution
Your up-to-date and accurate P2 data allow us to answer questions such as:
- Are Texas businesses preventing pollution?
- Is pollution being reduced in Texas?
- How is pollution being prevented?
- How much pollution is being prevented?
Previously Reported APR Results
Report Year | Year of Data | HW Reductions (Tons) | TRI Reductions (Tons) |
2009 | 2008 | 386,141 | 46,627.60 |
2010 | 2009 | 807,482.53 | 19,398.26 |
2011 | 2010 | 428,864 | 23,232.67 |
2012 | 2011 | 88,006.24 | 29,516.77 |
2013 | 2012 | 278,935 | 50,396.15 |
2014 | 2013 | 404,189.23 | 33,835.23 |
2015 | 2014 | 214,242.59 | 4,072,788.63 |
2016 | 2015 | 4,912,625.59 | 53,996.27 |
2017 | 2016 | 196,762.13 | 38,679.17 |
2018 | 2017 | 2,356,137.37 | 659,696.65 |
2019 | 2018 | 702,163.34 | 132,718.60 |
2020 | 2019 | 216,141.26 | 110,982.05 |
2021 | 2020 | 110,896.36 | 68,787.61 |
2022 | 2021 | 283,586.12 | 73,071.64 |
Due Dates
P2 Annual Progress Reports are due on July 1 of each year. We typically send a notice (as a courtesy) in late May. If you think you are required to submit but didn’t get a notice, please contact us. If you begin a new plan, the first P2 Annual Progress Report is due after the first year your plan is in place. You report on the progress of your P2 Plan for the previous year.
For example, if you begin a plan in on January 1, 2018, your first P2 Annual Progress Report is due July 1, 2019. The report would cover January 1 to December 31 of 2018.
Reporting Forms
Paper Form: You can print the form and instructions (in Word or PDF format). You may also request that a form be mailed to you. (See below for contact information.)
- P2 APR Form (Word)
- P2 APR Form (PDF) (Help with PDF)
- Instructions for completing the paper form (PDF)
The P2 Annual Progress Report (APR) can be submitted online through STEERS during the online reporting period May 15 - July 1. This is the preferred method of submission*. Outside of this reporting window, you may still use STEERS to edit your P2 contacts and to view past APR submissions. Please see "Pollution Prevention Reporting: Online Data Submission, Updating, and Availability"
*Companies submitting submitting APRs for 10 or more facilities, must use STEERS. Email, paper, or other submission types will not be accepted.
Facilities can submit their paper Annual Progress Reports by mail to:
Pollution Prevention Planning, MC-108
PO Box 13087
Austin, TX 78711-3087
or by email to: p2@tceq.texas.gov
For Help
For more information on what you need to complete the form, take time to review the instructions and view our Examples.
For assistance completing this report, to request a paper form, or for other questions about the Waste Reduction Policy Act, please contact us by:
E-mail: p2@tceq.texas.gov
Phone: 512/239-0010
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. through 5 p.m., Central Standard Time