Pollution Prevention (P2) Planning

Annual Progress Report | Online P2 Annual Progress Reporting (STEERS)
Example P2 Plans | Pollution Prevention Planning Guide (RG-409)
Documents on this page are in various file formats (Help downloading files.)
Background about the Waste Reduction Policy Act, its requirements, and resources to help you get the most from planning.
Read and reference the Pollution Prevention Planning Rule .
Pollution Prevention Planning
A Guide to Pollution Prevention Planning (RG-409) to meet the WRPA requirements while reducing risks, eliminating waste, and saving money!
P2 Executive Summary
Worksheet 6 or
Worksheet 6 will help you complete the Executive Summary. See
Tables 4 and 5 for a quick reference on what is required.
P2 Annual Progress Report (APR)
Background information about this report, which WRPA requires some facilities to submit each year.
P2 APR Reporting Forms:
You can download a
Word printed version or a
PDF printed version and its
You may also review our online instructions and examples to help you estimate the amount of waste reduced at its source to meet the P2 Annual Progress Reporting requirements.
Hot Topics
NEW P2 Plan Executive Summaries Due Jan. 1, 2025
Facilities that have completed a five-year P2 reporting cycle in 2024 must renew a five-year P2 Plan and submit an Executive Summary and Certificate of Completeness and Correctness (C3) to the TCEQ by January 1, 2025.
Additionally, facilities who become subject to P2 Planning must create an initial five-year P2 Plan and submit an Executive Summary and C3 to the TCEQ within 90 days of submitting the first TRI Form R or first Annual Waste Summary, whichever comes first.
NEW Fall 2024 P2 Workshops: Tools for Sustainability
The University of Texas-Arlington, Environmental Training Institute (ETI) is offering online and in person two-day Pollution Prevention Workshops in conjunction with the TCEQ:
Choose a date below to register! (Meeting times are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST)
Reduce Waste and Save Money! Use these links to enhance your P2 efforts!
P2 Resources
These tools can help increase the effectiveness of your pollution prevention plans.
RENEW is a materials-exchange network for industries, businesses, and governmental units who wish to sell surplus materials, by-products, and wastes to those who will reclaim or reuse them.
Find additional P2 information and ideas at the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Pollution Prevention website.
P2 Planner
This tool, created by Zero Waste Network, will help you design a plan that complies the TCEQ P2 Requirements.
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