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Pending Air Permits: Information on Current Applications

Find pending applications—as well as public notice or comment information as applicable—for air permits.

New Source Review (NSR) Air Permits

Pending Applications

NSR case-by-case and standard permit applications. Includes those that are administratively complete (application includes all required information) or technically complete (application has met all state and federal regulatory requirements).

Summaries and Public Notices

Find applicant information, public notice documents, public comment information, and summaries in plain language for pending air permit applications—in English and other languages as necessary.

Title V Operating Permits

Pending Applications

Includes applications that are administratively complete (application includes all required information) or technically complete (application has met all state and federal regulatory requirements).

Public Announcements and Notices

Title V operating permit minor revisions that are in the 30-day public announcement period, plus all other Title V permitting projects that are in the 30-day public comment period.