Tables Related to Air Permitting (Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) Tables)
These tables are designed to assist applicants by providing specific information. The tables are related to: Air Quality Application Supplement, Project Contemporaneous Change, Description of Credible Reductions, Initial Lowest Achievable Emission Rate Determination, Alternate Site Analysis for Texas NNSR, Construction or Modification Offset, Description of Credible Offsets, and Signature Verification.
These tables are related to filing air permits applications, and they are designed to assist the applicant with data needed for an accurate application. All of the tables are labeled with a Table-number, and a title. If you do not know the table number that you need, read each title to help you decide which table will best assist you.
- Air Quality Application Supplement
Table 1F (TCEQ Form-10154)
PDF or Word - Project Emission Increase
Table 2F (TCEQ Form-20470)
PDF or Word - Project Contemporaneous Change
Table 3F (TCEQ Form-10156)
PDF or Word - Description of Creditable Reductions
Table 4F (TCEQ Form-10158)
PDF or Word - Initial Lowest Achievable Emission Rate Determination
Table 4N (TCEQ Form-10160) - Alternate Site Analysis for Texas NNSR
Table 6N (TCEQ Form-10164) - Signature Verification
Table 9N (TCEQ Form-10174)
Questions? We Can Help
If you have questions about these or any other Air Permitting Forms, contact us.