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NSR Guidance for Turbines

Overview of air permitting requirements and options for new turbines operations. Links to relevant rules, guidance, and forms.

This information is intended to be used by permit applicants to help ensure a complete application and more efficient review. We encourage applicants to use this information when preparing and submitting NSR applications to promote faster action by the agency.

Common Information

Potential Additional Sources

The following are additional facilities that are commonly permitted during a permit action for the facility:

  • Ammonia Tank
  • Cooling Towers
  • Emergency Generators

Best Available Control Technology (BACT)

The following tables contain information regarding the level of emissions control required or the amount of emissions allowed from the facility.

  • Current BACT - Download the workbook to see BACT for this source and all other sources in this industry type.
  • 10-Year-Old BACT - Some authorizations for qualified facilities allow for air pollution control methods that are at least as effective as the BACT that was required or would have been required 120 months, or 10 years, ago.
  • Current MSS BACT (Under Review)
  • Turbine List - April, 2024 Microsoft Excel If the version date does not match the date listed, please clear your browser cache or refresh your screen.

Boilerplate Conditions

The following are examples of permit conditions that may be applicable for this type of facility:

Additional Information

Questions? We Can Help

If you have questions regarding this guidance please contact us.