Air Permits by Rule
State air authorizations for activities that produce more than a de minimis level of emissions but less than other NSR permitting options. Find out whether there is a PBR for you and, if so, how to claim it and comply with it.
Indexes to Air Permits by Rule
State Air authorizations for activities that produce more than a de minimis level of emissions but less than other NSR permitting options. With these indexes, you can find and properly claim all PBRs that pertain to your operations.
Registration Checklists for Permits by Rule
Registration checklists for permits by rule. These checklists are to be used in conjunction with, or prior to, submittal of the Form PI-7.
Claiming a Permit by Rule
Brief explanation of how to claim a Permit by Rule. Links to relevant forms and reference materials.
Fact Sheets for Permits by Rule
Fact Sheet to assist you when filling out the PI-7 Form, Registration for a Permit by Rule.
Outdated 30 TAC 106 Exemption Lists
Navigational page with links to files explaining standard exemptions from air permitting requirements for specified types of facilities that began operation in the last quarter of the 20th century.
Outdated Standard Exemption Index
Navigational page with links to files explaining standard exemptions from air permitting requirements for specified types of facilities that began operation in the last quarter of the 20th century.
Policy and Guidance Memos for Permits by Rule
Policy memos for Permits by Rule.
Questions? We Can Help
If you have questions contact us.