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Claiming a Permit by Rule

Brief explanation of how to claim a Permit by Rule. Links to relevant forms and reference materials.

If an air permit by rule (PBR) requires a registration, follow this general procedure to claim it (if no registration is required, read and follow steps 1-3 only):

  1. Make sure the situation meets the general requirements of Chapter 106 Subchapter A, including general requirements in 30 TAC 106.4 (form TCEQ-10149) and recordkeeping requirements in 30 TAC 106.8 .
  2. Make sure the situation also meets the conditions of the intended PBR. Be sure to read the PBR itself in 30 TAC Chapter 106 .
  3. If the facility, operation, or equipment cannot comply with the conditions indicated in these checklists, then it cannot be claimed under PBR. See Types of New Source Review Authorizations for other options.
  4. If the PBR does require registration, complete and submit form TCEQ-10228, Registration for a Permit by Rule (PI-7). UPDATE All permits must be submitted online via STEERS as of February 1, 2018. Further information can be found at Guidance for STEERS.
  5. A Form PI-7CERT may be required if certification is needed to establish federally enforceable emission limits. Please review the instructions of the Form PI-7CERT to determine if this is applicable.
  6. Pay a registration fee.
  7. Following the instructions in TCEQ-10228, submit each of these items to the TCEQ:
    • your completed TCEQ-10228
    • a completed TCEQ-10149
    • a completed checklist for this PBR, if there is one
    • proof of payment of the registration fee
  8. If the PBR does not require site approval from the TCEQ, construction may begin (or the activity) after the completed registration packet is submitted to the TCEQ via STEERS.
  9. If the PBR requires site approval from the TCEQ, do not begin construction until you receive our approval in writing.

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