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Types of New Source Review Authorizations

Links to every type of New Source Review Permit, and other related topics to types of authorizations.

De Minimis Facilities

De Minimis Facilities
Facilities or sources that meet the conditions of one or more of the criteria outlined on this page.

New Authorizations

Permits by Rule
Facilities that will not make a significant contribution of air contaminants to the atmosphere if operated or constructed with certain restrictions.

Standard Permits
Standard permits are authorized under Chapter 116, Subchapter F, and are issued one of two ways, by the commission.

Permits to Construct
Describes what type of permit is needed before construction can begin, and provides links to those permits, which provide forms and any guidance available.

Readily Available Permits
Describes a streamlined approach to authorizing a new source review permit to construct specific facility types.

Portable Permit Relocation and Change of Locations
Portable permits contain "relocation conditions" which typically contain control requirements and future site authorization instructions for seeking approval from the appropriate regional office and distance limitations.

Flexible Permits
A flexible permit allows an operator more flexibility in managing his operations by staying under an overall emissions cap or individual emission limitation.

Changes to Existing Authorizations or Applications

  • Modifications of Existing Facilities under Senate Bill 1126
    Changes to facilities which meet 10-year old BACT which result in no net increase in emissions.
  • Permit Alterations
    Any change from a representation in a permit application or a general or special condition of a permit that does not involve an increase in emission rates.
  • Permit Amendments
    Modifications to existing permitted facilities may be handled through the amendment of an existing permit or an existing flexible permit.
  • Permit Renewals
    How to renew a permit after the TCEQ has provided written notice to the holder of a permit that the permit is scheduled for review.

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