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Relocating a Facility with a Portable Air Permit

Describes a portable air permit. Links to relevant guidance, forms, and rules.

Portable permits are designated with a portable permit number, portable registration number, or portable account number. Older portable permits can be designated by an Account Identification Number which begins with a 9 (ex: 94-1234-X) instead of the alphabetic nomenclature (XY-1234-Z) used to designate permanent facilities. These portable permits also contain "relocation conditions" which typically contain control requirements and future site authorization instructions for seeking approval from the appropriate regional office and distance limitations. As of September 1, 2024, relocation requests are to be submitted to the Air Permits Division. If these conditions cannot be met for a particular site, facility owners are required to submit a "change of location" permit application to the Air Permits Division for review of Best Available Control Technology (BACT), site impacts, and compliance history. The relocation conditions and review process has been revised to resolve many of the outstanding issues and concerns regarding relocations and change of locations of permitted facilities. These policies and practices apply to concrete batch plants, asphalt concrete plants, and crushing/material handling operations.

Tools for This Permit

Historical Data Pertaining to Portable Facilities Relocations and Change of Locations

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