What Should Be Included in a Registration for an Oil and Gas Project?
Links to guidance, tools, and detailed information for claiming permits by rule or standard permits for oil and gas projects.
What to include in the registration application
- Brief project description
- Site process description and process diagram:
The process description should carry the permit reviewer smoothly through the process with emphasis on where the emissions are generated,
why the emissions must be generated, what air pollution controls are used (including process design features that minimize emissions), and where the emissions enter the atmosphere. - Plot plan or area map
- Detailed summary of maximum emissions estimates with the following supporting documentation:
Site-specific or defined representative gas and liquid lab analyses
Equipment design specifications and operations
Material type and throughput; and
Other actual parameters essential for accurately determining emissions and compliance with all applicable requirements
Copy of any technical documents including manufacturer's specification sheet and operational design sheets. - Other helpful information can be found on the following:
Flash Emissions Evaluation
Produced Water Evaluation
Truck Loading/Unloading Evaluation
Control Device Charts
Vapor Recovery Units - Result reports from any emission estimation computer programs and TCEQ Oil and Gas Emission Calculation Spreadsheet.
- Impacts evaluation demonstrating that the site meets the protectiveness limits, ambient air quality standards, or an explanation of why an impacts evaluation is not required (if applicable).
Barnett Shale PBR and Standard Permit registrations may require impacts analysis for benzene and H2S
Non-Barnett Shale Standard Permits require 106.261-262 impacts analysis for all petroleum streams
Any site with engines may require hourly and annual NOx NAAQS demonstrations
Sour oil and gas sites may require H2S and SO2 state and NAAQS demonstrations
Additional information for any impacts demonstration:
For further help in using the impacts tables or guidance on modeling protocols
Fact sheet for help determining facility designation for emissions and impacts
Fact sheet for how to measure shortest distances
Please address all modeling comments to Modeling staff, phone: 512-239-1250. - Explanation of how the company will meet or is exempt from any applicable federal or state standards, including NSPS, NESHAP, or other regulations, see Federal Standards Applicability Table.
If you have questions, please contact us:
e-mail: airog@tceq.texas.gov
phone: 512-239-1250
fax: 512-239-2101