Links to the rule and detailed information on the Standard Permit for Oil and Gas Handling and Production Facilities.
Links to rules, guidance and detailed information for claiming historical standard exemptions and permits by rule for oil and gas facilities.
Links to rules, guidance, and detailed information for claiming permits by rule or standard permits for oil and gas projects in the Barnett Shale.
Links to rules, guidance and detailed information for claiming permits by rule or standard permits for oil and gas projects statewide.
Links to guidance, tools, and detailed information for claiming permits by rule or standard permits for oil and gas projects.
Links to tools, guidance, and the history of the emissions and impacts spreadsheet for oil and gas projects statewide.
Links to rules, guidance and detailed information for claiming standard permits for oil and gas projects in Barnett Shale.
Describes how marine loading operations (MLO) may be authorized by a standard permit and provides links to the forms needed to get authorized.