Non-Rule Air Quality Standard Permit for Marine Loading Operations
Describes how marine loading operations (MLO) may be authorized by a standard permit and provides links to the forms needed to get authorized.
The non-rule Air Quality Standard Permit for MLO is authorized under Title 30, Texas Administrative Code Chapter 116, Subchapter F ,Standard Permits, and the Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 382.05195 , Standard Permit, which authorizes TCEQ to issue this standard permit for many similar facilities.
Does Your Facility Qualify for This Standard Permit?
To determine whether your facility qualifies for this standard permit, the following must be met:
- All sources authorized under the Marine Loading Standard Permit must operate independently of other equipment at the site.
- Each authorized air contaminant’s effects screening level can be obtained from the Toxicity Factor Database.
- All facilities must be operated at least 25 feet from any property line.
If your site meets the above screening criteria:
- Review the standard permit and its criteria for your situation.
- If your facility complies with all requirements of the standard permit, you may claim this standard permit.
If the MLO cannot meet the conditions of this standard permit, you may qualify for other permitting options. To review your options, see Types of New Source Review Authorizations.
To Claim This Standard Permit
- Complete the application, Form PI-1S-MLO (TCEQ Form-20917), and all required attachments as instructed in the form.
- Version 2.0 is the current version of the Form PI-1S-MLO. Use of the current version is highly encouraged and is required starting December 23, 2022. If this version number doesn’t match the version number listed on the Cover sheet of the workbook, please clear your browser cache or refresh your screen.
- This workbook is compatible with Excel 2016 and newer versions. It is also compatible with Excel for the web, which can be accessed by creating a free Microsoft account .
- Submit Form PI-1S-MLO and all required attachments through State of Texas Environmental Electronic Reporting System (STEERS).
Additional Information
- Technical Summary: A background document that summarizes the applicability, general and operational requirements, protectiveness review, public notice and response to comments, and the statutory authority.
Questions? We Can Help
If you have questions about this or any other standard permit, contact us.