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Air Quality Standard Permit for Electric Generating Units

Quick checklist for determining whether this standard permit fits your facility. Links to relevant forms, guidelines, and the standard permit itself.

The Air Quality Standard Permit for Electric Generating Units is authorized under Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC) Sections 116.601-615 .

Quick Screen

To determine whether your facility qualifies for this Standard Permit, first consider this quick screen:

  • Does your electric generating unit generate electricity for use by the owner or operator and/or to be sold to the electric grid?

If your facility meets the condition of this quick screen question, review the standard permit and its criteria for your situation, then if your facility complies, you may claim this standard permit.

If your electric generating unit cannot meet the conditions of this standard permit, see Types of New Source Review Authorizations for other options.

To Claim This Standard Permit:

Additional Information

The 82nd Legislature passed House Bill No. 3268 relating to combined heat and power (CHP) and Senate Bill No. 365 relating to distributed generation. House Bill 3268 requires that TCEQ develop a permit-by-rule (PBR) or standard permit to authorize natural gas units equipped with CHP. TCEQ will implement this legislation through development of a new a PBR. Senate Bill 365 is self-implementing and does not require any changes to the Electric Generating Unit standard permit. Existing distributed generation facilities which are authorized by a case-by-case permit issued under Section 116.111 are not required to apply for a new authorization solely because of SB 365’s requirement that distributed generation facilities meet the emission limitations of a standard emissions permit.

Questions? We Can Help

If you have questions about this or any other Standard Permit, contact us.