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Air Quality Standard Permit for Temporary Rock and Concrete Crushers

Standard permit guidance and forms for temporary rock and concrete crushers.

The Air Quality Standard Permit for Temporary Rock and Concrete Crushers is authorized under the Texas Health and Safety Code Section 382.05195 .

To qualify for this standard permit, the facility must meet the following criteria:

  • The conditions of this standard permit
    • Complete the Temporary Rock and Concrete Crusher Checklist, TCEQ Form – 21002, to determine if the plant meets the relevant conditions of this standard permit.

For Tier I Operations:

  • Plant will operate for no longer than 45 days/360 operating hours.
  • Throughput will be no greater than 125 tons per hour.
  • Plant footprint will be at least 200 feet from the nearest property line.
  • If you intend to crush concrete, will the nearest school, place of worship, or single- or multifamily residence be a minimum of 440 yards from the crushing facility?

For Tier II Operations:

  • Throughput will be no greater than 250 tons per hour.
  • Plant footprint will be at least 300 feet from the nearest property line.
  • If you intend to crush concrete, will the nearest school, place of worship, or single or multifamily residence be at least 440 yards from the crushing facility?

If your temporary rock or concrete crushing plant cannot meet the conditions of this standard permit, see Types of New Source Review Authorizations.

If your facility complies with the above screening criteria, you may claim this standard permit.

To Claim This Standard Permit:

Owners or operators who claim this standard permit are required to provide the following to the Air Permits Division:

  • APD Relocation/Notification Form, TCEQ Form – 20122
  • Core Date Form, TCEQ Form - 10400
  • Temporary Rock and Concrete Crusher Checklist, TCEQ Form - 21002
  • For a Tier I operation, the Air Permits Division must receive your notice at least 10 calendar days before you locate your crusher at the site in question.
  • For a Tier II operation, the Air Permits Division must receive your notice at least 30 calendar days before you plan to set up your facility on the site in question - and you must have written approval from the Air Permits Division before you may locate your crusher at that site.

No fees are required to claim this standard permit.

Please note that although the standard permit may include instructions to submit relocation and notification requests to the regional office, as of September 1, 2024, all relocation and notification requests are to be submitted to the Air Permits Division.

Additional Information

Senate Bill 1250 is effective on September 1, 2011.

This self-implementing legislation removes the 440 yard distance requirement for concrete crushers that are producing a product that contains recycled materials and are located: in an enclosed building; within 25 miles of an international border; and in a municipality with a population of more than 6100 and less than 20,000.

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