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Air PBR 106.264: Replacements of Facilities

A facility that replaces an existing facility is permitted by rule if the facility meets the conditions stated in 30 TAC Sections 106.4 and 106.264. This page gives a brief overview of this PBR and links to relevant rules, forms, and guidance.

To qualify for this PBR, the facility must meet the following criteria:

Note: All PBR checklists that are made available to the public are optional and are not required forms. These checklists are provided for your convenience only.

If your facility cannot comply with the conditions indicated in the checklist, see Types of New Source Review Authorizations for other options.


The Air Permits Division must be notified within 10 days following installation of the replacement facility. One of the following methods must be completed:


Under 30 TAC Section 106.8 , your records must identify the rules under which your facility is operating and demonstrate compliance for a rolling 12-month period. Be sure you keep at least these records:

These records must be kept on site and readily available on request for inspection by the TCEQ or any air pollution control program that has jurisdiction. If you have questions about the type of records you should keep, contact the Air Program in the TCEQ regional office that serves your county.

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