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40 CFR Part 82

A listing of all subparts for 40 CFR Part 82. Each subpart has Decision Support System components specific to that portion of the regulations.

Protection of Stratospheric Ozone

The flowchart and requirement reference table (RRT) footers include an amended date. The amended date is the date of the rule text amendment that is incorporated into the flowchart and RRT; it may not be the date the rule was last amended. The following numbers indicate only if rule text and/or historic rule opinions are available for the respective subpart, and explain why flowcharts and RRT are not included.

  • " 1 " RRT and flowcharts will not be developed for general provisions or emission guidelines.
  • " 2 " RRT and flowcharts will not be developed for these rules because there are less than 5 sites in Texas.
  • " 3 " RRT and flowcharts will not be developed for these rules because they are sitewide requirements.
  • " 4 " RRT and flowcharts for these rules are currently in development and will be provided as they are finalized.
  • " 5 " RRT and flowcharts will not be developed for these rules because these subparts are referenced subpart of 40 CFR parts 60, 61, or 63.
Subparts  Description 
Subpart A3 Production and Consumption Controls
Subpart B3 Servicing of Motor Vehicle Air Conditioners
Subpart C3 Ban on Nonessential Products Containing Class I Substances and Ban on Nonessential Products Containing or Manufactured With Class II Substances
Subpart D3 Federal Procurement
Subpart E3 The Labeling of Products Using Ozone-Depleting Substances
Subpart F3 Recycling and Emissions Reduction
Subpart G3 Significant New Alternatives Policy Program
Subpart H3 Halon Emissions Reduction
Subpart I3 Ban on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Appliances Containing HCFCs

Questions? We Can Help

If you have questions contact the Air Permits Division.