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Title 30 TAC - Chapter 111

This page contains links to the rule texts, requirements reference tables, and flowchart for this chapter

Control of Air Pollution from Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter

The flowchart and requirement reference table (RRT) footers include an amended date. The amended date is the date of the rule text amendment that is incorporated into the flowchart and RRT; it may not be the date the rule was last amended. The following numbers and symbols indicate if rule text and/or historic rule opinions are available for the respective subchapters, and explain why flowcharts and RRT are not included.

  • " 1 " RRT and flowcharts will not be developed for general provisions or emission guidelines.
  • " 2 " RRT and flowcharts will not be developed for these rules because there are less than 5 sites in Texas.
  • " 3 " RRT and flowcharts will not be developed for these rules because they are sitewide requirements.
  • " 4 " RRT and flowcharts for these rules are currently in development and will be provided as they are finalized.
  • " 5 " RRT and flowcharts will not be developed for these rules because they are expected to be rescinded.
  • " * " The asterisk indicates that the link will currently provide rule text only.
  • " ** " The double asterisk indicates that the link will currently provide rule text and specific memorandums only.

SUBCHAPTER A: Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter

Division Description
Division 1 Visible Emissions (111)
Division 2 Incineration (121)
Division 33 Abrasive Blasting of Water Storage Tanks Performed by Portable Operations (131)
Division 43 Materials Handling, Construction, Roads, Streets, Alleys, and Parking Lots (141)
Division 5 Emissions Limits on Nonagricultural Processes (151)
Division 63 Emissions Limits on Agricultural Processes (171)
Division 7 Exemptions for Portable or Transient Operations (181)

Subchapter B :Outdoor Burning

Rule Description
Rule 111.201 - 111.1213 Subchapter B Rules

Questions? We Can Help

If you have questions contact the Air Permits Division.