Title 30 TAC - Chapter 115
This page contains links to the rule texts, requirements reference tables, and flowchart for this chapter
Control of Air Pollution From Volatile Organic Compounds
Subchapters: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | J |
The flowchart and requirement reference table (RRT) footers include an amended date. The amended date is the date of the rule text amendment that is incorporated into the flowchart and RRT; it may not be the date the rule was last amended. The following numbers and symbols indicate if rule text and/or historic rule opinions are available for the respective subchapters, and explain why flowcharts and RRT are not included.
- " 1 " RRT and flowcharts will not be developed for general provisions or emission guidelines.
- " 2 " RRT and flowcharts will not be developed for these rules because there are less than 5 sites in Texas.
- " 3 " RRT and flowcharts will not be developed for these rules because they are sitewide requirements.
- " 4 " RRT and flowcharts for these rules are currently in development and will be provided as they are finalized.
- " 5 " RRT and flowcharts will not be developed for these rules because they are expected to be rescinded.
- " * " The asterisk indicates that the link will currently provide rule text only.
- " ** " The double asterisk indicates that the link will currently provide rule text and specific memorandums only.
SUBCHAPTER A: Definitions
Rule | Description |
Rule 115.10* | Definitions (10) |
SUBCHAPTER B: General Volatile Organic Compound Sources
Division | Description |
Division 1 | Storage of Volatile Organic Compounds (112) |
Division 2 | Vent Gas Control (121) |
Division 3 | Water Separation (131) |
Division 4 | Industrial Wastewater (140) |
Division 5 | Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (152) |
Division 6 | Batch Processes (160) |
Division 7 | Oil and Natural Gas Service in Ozone Nonattainment Areas (170) |
SUBCHAPTER C: Volatile Organic Compound Transfer Operations
Division | Description |
Division 1 | Loading and Unloading of Volatile Organic Compounds (211) |
Division 2*3 | Filling of Gasoline Storage Vessels (Stage I) for Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing Facilities (221) |
Division 3*3 | Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks from Transport Vessels (221) |
Division 4*3 | Stage II Vapor Recovery Definitions (240) |
Division 5*3 | Control of Reid Vapor Pressure of Gasoline (252) |
SUBCHAPTER D: Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Processes
Division | Description |
Division 1 | Process Unit Turnaround and Vacuum-Producing Systems in Petroleum Refineries (311) |
Division 2 | Fugitive Emission Control in Petroleum Refineries in Gregg, Nueces, and Victoria Counties (322) |
Division 3 | Fugitive Emission Control in Petroleum Refining, Natural Gas/Gasoline Processing, and Petrochemical Processes in Ozone Nonattainment Areas (352) |
SUBCHAPTER E: Solvent-Using Processes
Division | Description |
Division 1 | Degreasing and Clean-Up Processes (412) |
Division 2 | Surface Coating Processes (421) |
Division 3 | Graphic Arts (Printing) by Flexographic and Rotogravure Processes (432) |
Division 4 | Offset Lithographic Printing (442) |
Division 5 | Control Requirements for Surface Coating Processes (450) |
Division 6 | Industrial Cleaning Solvents (460) |
Division 7 | Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives (470) |
SUBCHAPTER F: Miscellaneous Industrial Sources
Division | Description |
Division 1*3 | Cutback Asphalt (512) |
Division 2 | Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities (531) |
Division 3*3 | Degassing or Cleaning of Stationary, Marine, and Transport Vessels (541) |
Division 4*3 | Petroleum Dry Cleaning Systems (552) |
SUBCHAPTER G: Consumer-Related Sources
Division | Description |
Division 1*3 | Automotive Windshield Washer Fluid (600) |
SUBCHAPTER H: Highly-Reactive Volatile Organic Compounds
Division | Description |
Division 1 | Vent Gas Control (720) |
Division 2 | Cooling Tower Heat Exchange Systems (760) |
Division 3 | Fugitive Emissions (780) |
SUBCHAPTER J: Administrative Provisions
Division | Description |
Division 1*3 | Alternate Means of Control (901) |
Division 2 | Early Reductions (920) |
Division 3*3 | Compliance and Control Plan Requirements (930) |
Division 4* | Emissions Trading (950) |
Questions? We Can Help
If you have questions contact the Air Permits Division.