Title 30 TAC Chapter 122This page contains links to binary files that describe each subchapter of a particular rule.https://www.tceq.texas.gov/permitting/air/rules/state/122https://www.tceq.texas.gov/@@site-logo/TCEQ-logo-header.png
Title 30 TAC Chapter 122
This page contains links to binary files that describe each subchapter of a particular rule.
Federal Operating Permits
The flowchart and requirement reference table (RRT) footers include an amended date. The amended date is the date of the rule text amendment that is incorporated into the flowchart and RRT; it may not be the date the rule was last amended. The following numbers and symbols indicate if rule text and/or historic rule opinions are available for the respective subchapters, and explain why flowcharts and RRT are not included.
SUBCHAPTER D : Public Announcement, Public Notice, Affected State Review, Notice and Comment Hearing, Notice of Proposed Final Action, EPA Review, and Public Petition
Application Revisions When an Applicable Requirement or State-Only Requirement is Promulgated or Adopted or a General Operating Permit is Revised or Rescinded (504)