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Annual Compliance Certification and Deviation Reports

Describes the annual compliance certification and deviation reports required by the Federal Operating Permit.

After an initial authorization to operate (GOP) or permit issuance (SOP), the owner or operator must certify compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit for at least every 12 month period following the initial issuance. Annual compliance certifications should be submitted no later than 30 days after the end of the certification period.

Additionally, the owner or operator shall report, in writing, all instances of deviations, the probable cause of the deviations, and any corrective actions or preventative measures taken for each emission unit covered by a GOP or SOP. A deviation report should be submitted for at least each six-month period after permit issuance or at the frequency required by an applicable requirement which requires more frequent reporting. However, no report is required if no deviations occurred over the six-month reporting period. The deviation reports should be submitted no later than 30 days after the end of each reporting period. It is also important to note that the 30 TAC ' 101.201 (Upset Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements) and 30 TAC ' 101.211 (Maintenance, Start-up and Shutdown Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Operational Requirements) reports do not substitute for deviation reports.

All reports should be submitted to the regional office. Owners or operators needing information regarding annual compliance certifications or deviation reports should contact the TCEQ Program Support and Environmental Assistance Division, or phone (512) 239-0400.

Also available:
Compliance Forms.

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