Air Operating Permits (Title V)
Applying for a permit to operate major industrial and certain other industrial sites.
Annual Compliance Certification and Deviation Reports
Describes the annual compliance certification and deviation reports required by the Federal Operating Permit.
Decision Support System for Air Operating Permits
Look up equipment and processes in this index to determine air quality control requirements for Title V operating permits. Associated flowchart aids decision making.
Federal Operating Permit (FOP) Application Procedures and Timelines
Describes procedures to complete and submit an initial federal operating permit (FOP), to revise an existing FOP, or to renew a FOP.
General Operating Permits
Applying for a general permit to cover air issues for an industrial site. General permits have uniform conditions that cover all sites in a defined class.
Guidance for Title V Operating Permits
Regulatory guidance documents for this air permitting program.
Overview of Federal Operating Permits
Provides an overview of the Federal Operating Permit process.
Permit Types
Describes the different types of federal operating permits and their criteria.
Program Applicability
Determine if your site is subject to the federal operating permit (FOP) program.
Responsible Official and Certifications
Describes the annual compliance certification and deviation reports required by the federal operating permit.
Site Operating Permit
Applying for an operating permit customized to the emission sources within an individual site.
Title V Public Announcements and Public Notices
Reports listing all air Title V operating permit minor revisions that are in the 30-day public announcement period and all other Title V permitting projects that are in the 30-day public comment period.
Where to Submit FOP Applications and Permit-Related Documents
Describes where to submit applications and various permit-related reports.
Questions? We Can Help
If you have questions contact us.