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Where to Submit FOP Applications and Permit-Related Documents

Describes where to submit applications and various permit-related reports.

Please submit all application information to the APD and the regional office. Electronic copies of all applications and application updates must be submitted to the EPA Regional Office (Region 6). When submitting a permit application, please retain at least one copy of the signed permit application for your records. If submitting additional or follow up application information, also retain a copy of the information for your records.

Submitting Permit Applications

  • Beginning January 1, 2023, all FOP application submissions are required to be submitted through STEERS.
  • All OP-Notify projects are processed through STEERS.
  • The following guide contains comprehensive instructions for how to submit a Title V application through STEERS. Title V STEERS Guidance.
  • Application updates can be submitted through STEERS, mailed, or emailed to the permit reviewer.
  • Any application updates submitted by the RO/DAR through STEERS are certified and do not require the submission of an original signature OP-CRO1.
  • Any application updates submitted through email or physical mail require certification using an original signature OP-CRO1. The OP-CRO1 can be mailed or attached in STEERS.
  • Send hard-copy updates and original OP-CRO1 to the permit reviewer at:
    • Regular, Certified, Priority Mail:
      [Permit Reviewer’s Name]
      Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
      Operating Permits Section (OPS), MC 163
      P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087
      Hand Delivery or Overnight Mail:
      [Permit Reviewer’s Name]
      Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
      Air Permits Initial Review Team (APIRT), MC 161
      12100 Park 35 Circle, Building C, Third Floor, Austin, Texas 78753
      Phone: (512) 239-1250

Note: Coordinate hand deliveries by calling the receptionist at 512-239-1250 during normal workdays from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday, Central Standard Time.

  • Electronic copies to EPA: EPA Region 6 office has requested that all applications, including any updates, and all correspondence related to air permitting be submitted to EPA by email to Submit confidential information as a separate file and clearly label with “confidential” or “CBI” in the filename. Identify the associated permit number when submitting information. No hard copies of the information contained in the application should be submitted to EPA.
    Microsoft Word for text, Excel for spreadsheets, and a searchable Adobe Acrobat (pdf) file are the preferred formats. Do not submit any compressed or zip files, files with an “.exe” extension. Do not submit any individual files larger than 10 megabytes via email, and the total size of all attachments cannot exceed 25 megabytes per email. EPA will accept larger files via FTP transfer. Send an email to to request an FTP link for submittals.

A copy of the application must be submitted to the TCEQ regional office having jurisdiction. An electronic or hard copy may be required. Contact the regional office if you have any questions concerning the method of submission.

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