Air GOP No. 512: Oil and Gas General Operating Permit
Information and documentation pertaining to Air Oil and Gas General Operating Permit No. 512.
NEW GOP No. 512 has been revised.
On February 1, 2021, the TCEQ issued revised Oil and Gas General Operating Permits (GOPs) Numbers 511, 512, 513, and 514. The revised GOPs were proposed on November 13, 2020, and the public comment period closed on December 16, 2020. One positive comment was received. Please refer to the Statements of Basis for these permits for a detailed description of the revisions and the comment.
Current permit holders are required to submit an application for a new authorization to operate (ATO), if any of the emission units, applicability determinations, or the basis for the applicability determinations are affected by the revisions in the GOPs. If the revisions in the GOPs do not affect your site, a new ATO is not required. For information on how to submit an application for an ATO, please refer to the GOP Guidance.
Please see the Statement of Basis document linked below for detailed information on the specific changes to the GOP No. 512.
Any person affected by this action may petition the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to make an objection; petitions must be filed no later than April 2, 2021.
For additional information about these GOPs, please contact the Air Permits Division at (512) 239-1250.
An authorization to operate (ATO) will be required no later than 90 days after the issuance of the GOP.
Oil and Gas General Operating Permit for Gregg, Nueces, and Victoria Counties.
- Cover Letter
- Terms
- Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM)
- Periodic Monitoring
- Statement of Basis
Title V Forms and Guidance Documents
Questions? We Can Help
If you have questions about this or any other GOP, contact us.