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Air Permits Awareness Initiative: Expiration and Renewal of Title V Permits

Information and documentation pertaining to all air permits awareness initiative.

Renewal Requirements

Title V permits are required to be renewed every five years, as specified in Title 30 Texas Administrative Code Sections 122.241 and 122.505. State and federal regulations also require permit holders to submit timely and complete permit applications between 6 and 18 months prior to the expiration date of the permit. The regulations further define a complete application as one that has been received at least 60 days without request for additional information or notification of incompleteness. Unlike state new source review permit renewals, submittal of Title V renewal applications at any time prior to permit expiration will not necessarily provide continuing authorization to operate. To provide this coverage, the submittal must be complete, and it must arrive at the agency between 6 and 18 months before the permit's expiration date.

Consequences of Failure to Reapply

The APD will process and take final action on timely applications, and receipt of a timely and complete application will allow permit holders to operate beyond the permit's expiration until a final action is taken on the application. Untimely or incomplete applications, however, or failure to apply at all, will result in the loss of the permit holder's authorization to operate after the expiration date of the permit. In this case, permit holders will also lose the opportunity to renew their permits, and will have to reapply for a new permit and authorization to operate. These outcomes are prescribed in Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 70, and the agency has no discretion in the matter.

Awareness Measures Implemented

Advisories will be distributed through various media available. Besides posting to this site, distribution will also occur through e-mail notices to, and meetings with, the Title V stakeholders; publication in the TCEQ Natural Outlook newsletter; speaking opportunities at public and industry group meetings and at agency sponsored seminars; and by agency notification letters to permit holders. These letters will be sent out approximately 18 months and again at approximately 12 months before the permit actually expires, advising of renewal requirements and upcoming permit expiration. A reminder to submit the renewal application, along with an explanation of the consequence of failure to do so, will be included in these notifications.

Contacts for Applicants

  • Title V Site Operating Permits: Mr. Jesse Chacon, 512-239-1570
  • Title V General Operating Permits: Air Permits Division, 512-239-1250

Questions? We Can Help

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