Tier II Guidance for Local Emergency Planning Committees and Fire Departments
How to Get Tier II Data
The TCEQ Tier II Chemical Reporting Program can help your LEPC or fire department access Tier II reports filed in your jurisdiction.
If you are an LEPC representative or other emergency response personnel, you may be able to access those reports in the Tier II reporting database through your individual STEERS account using the Tier II Govt Official application.
For more information on how to access the Tier II Govt Official application please contact us. If you represent a LEPC or fire department seeking Tier II reports for your own jurisdiction you may also e-mail us at Tier2Help@tceq.texas.gov to get help from a Tier II staff member.
We also encourage you to sign up for our Tier II Data Management GovDelivery topic to receive updates on training and potential funding opportunities. You can also sign-up using the form at the bottom of the page.
How to Update LEPC Contact Information
- Current contact information for LEPCs - If the contact information for your LEPC is not correct, please email us at Tier2Help@tceq.texas.gov.
- Current contact information for Fire Departments
Note: TCEQ recommends that LEPCs and fire departments set up a proxy email address for Tier II report submissions rather than providing a direct contact’s email address.
Additional Resources for Emergency Responders
Free EPA Software
- CAMEO - Data management and emergency planning software that can combine chemical inventory data with spatial mapping.
- Tier2 Submit - Software maintained by the EPA that can be used to manage Tier II data, and is used by other states to submit Tier II chemical inventory reports. In Texas, Tier II reports are submitted exclusively through STEERS.
Guidance for LEPCs
- TCEQ Tier II Reporting Flyer – Downloadable copy that can be printed and provided to facilities in your jurisdiction to introduce them to Tier II reporting in Texas.
- EPA LEPC Website
- Measuring the effectiveness of your LEPC
- EPA Region 6 LEPC Website
- Dallas County Emergency Preparedness & Response Resource Links – Resources that Dallas county has compiled that may be useful to other LEPCs.
Texas Department of Public Safety-Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) Guidance
- TDEM Technological Hazards Unit : LEPC resources, including information on possible grants and the LEPC Handbook.
- Texas State Emergency Response Commission Contacts
- TDEM 151 Form
LEPC Grants
- Texas LEPC Grant Program - LEPCs may receive grant funds to help implement the requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).
- Hazardous Materials Grant Program – Hosted by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration