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Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Underground Injection Control (UIC) Programs

Current plans detailing state requirements for the management of waste under the Industrial and Hazardous Waste and UIC programs are submitted to EPA for approval each fiscal year.

Every fiscal year (September - August) the TCEQ submits to EPA, for approval, a QAPP detailing state regulatory requirements related to the management of waste under the Industrial and Hazardous Waste and UIC. This year the EPA decided to have two separate documents titled titled Environmental Monitoring and Measurement Activities Relating to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and Environmental Monitoring and Measurement Activities Relating to Underground Injection Control, otherwise known as the RCRA QAPP and UIC QAPP respectively. These documents describe how the agency manages these programs and specifies data quality criteria required by the regulated entities to demonstrate compliance with state and federal RCRA and UIC regulations.

In addition, the RCRA and UIC QAPPs provide two detailed checklists for the permittee. One checklist identifies data the agency needs for program data review compliance and the other checklist is used to provide supplementary information for groundwater detection monitoring compliance.

If you need any of the attachments or have any questions, please contact the RCRA/UIC Quality Assurance Specialist.