Landfill Mining
Rules and application forms for obtaining a registration to authorize landfill mining.
Landfill Mining Requirements
Landfill mining—defined in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Subsection 330.3(79) [30 TAC 330.3(79)]—is the activity of excavating buried municipal solid waste and processing to recover material for beneficial use.
A municipal solid waste landfill mining registration is required before mining can begin.
Rules detailing operation and design requirements, sampling and analysis requirements, and final soil product grades and allowable uses are in 30 TAC Chapter 330, Subchapter N .
To obtain a landfill mining registration:
- First, submit a test pit plan for review and approval, containing the information required by 30 TAC 330.63(d)(7)(A)
- After approval of the test pit plan, complete and submit these application forms:
- Correspondence Cover Sheet (Form TCEQ-20714)
- Core Data Form (Form TCEQ-10400)
- Application for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Mining Registration (Form TCEQ-20876), including the information required by 30 TAC 330.63(d)(7) and 30 TAC Chapter 330, Subchapter N .
Contact Us
Contact the MSW Permits Section if you have questions about landfill mining.