Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Stations and Transfer Stations with Material Recovery
Permit or registration for a MSW facility that transfers solid waste from one transportation unit to another or recovers recyclable materials from the waste stream.
On this page:
Purpose of a Transfer Station
A municipal solid waste (MSW) transfer station is defined in Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC), Section 330.3(163) [30 TAC 330.3(163)] as a facility used for transferring solid waste from collection vehicles to long-haul vehicles (one transportation unit to another transportation unit). A transfer station may include operations to recover recyclable materials from the waste stream.
An MSW transfer station requires a permit or a registration.
More information about municipal solid waste facilities:
Determine if a Transfer Station Requires a Permit or Qualifies for a Registration
A municipal solid waste (MSW) transfer station requires a permit according to 30 TAC 330.7 .
A transfer station may be authorized by a registration instead of a permit if it meets any of the criteria in 30 TAC 330.9(b) :
- the transfer station serves a municipality with a population of less than 50,000;
- the transfer station serves a county with a population of less than 85,000;
- the transfer station transfers or will transfer 125 tons per day or less; or
- the transfer station is located within the permitted boundaries of an MSW Type I or Type IV facility;
or all criteria in 30 TAC 330.9(e) :
- the transfer station includes a materials recovery operation that recovers 10% or more by weight or weight equivalent of the waste stream for reuse or recycling; and
- transfers the remaining nonrecyclable waste to a landfill not more than 50 miles from the facility.
Guidance for registering a transfer station with a materials recovery operation:
Preparing and Submitting an Application
General Information
To apply for a transfer station permit, permit amendment, or registration, submit the forms listed in the following Application Forms section, and the information required by 30 TAC Chapter 330, Subchapter B .
Note: If delinquent fees or penalties of $25 or more are associated with an applicant's Customer Number (CN), we are required to suspend processing of the application until payment is made.
- For more about the protocol and how to find out what is owed, please visit the TCEQ delinquent fees and penalties webpage.
Application Forms
Submit these forms in an application for a new permit, permit amendment, or registration:
- Part I Application Form for a Permit or Registration (Form TCEQ-00650), Instructions for Part I Form (Form TCEQ-00650-instr)
- Core Data Form (Form TCEQ-10400)
- Correspondence Cover Sheet (Form TCEQ-20714)
- Public Involvement Plan (PIP) (Form TCEQ-20960), Instructions for Completing a PIP Form
- Plain Language Application Summary (Form TCEQ-20947-instr)—Required for permit applications
- MSW Application Checklist—Provide electronic copy of checklist in Excel format with application
Please submit applications electronically, in addition to submitting paper copies.
Public Notice Requirement
Applications for permits and registrations require public notice. Determine which type of notice is required, and if it must be published in an alternative language.
Use Updated Rainfall Data
Municipal solid waste permit and registration applications must use updated rainfall estimates based on NOAA Atlas 14 for application parts regarding drainage and contaminated water management.
Site Operating Plan
A site operating plan discusses how an owner or operator will conduct daily operations at a facility, and includes information about functions and qualifications of personnel, and equipment to be used.
Applicants may prepare a site-specific SOP, or use the following template for transfer stations:
Cost Estimates and Financial Assurance for Facility Closure
Permit and registration applications for processing facilities, including transfer stations, must include an estimate of the cost of closing the facility and financial assurance to cover the costs, according to 30 TAC 330.63(j) and 330.505 .
- Outline for preparing a closure cost estimate
Financial assurance for municipal solid waste facilities
Information about types of financial assurance mechanisms and adjusting for inflation.
Other Permits Required
Owners or operators of municipal solid waste transfer stations must also obtain permits for air emissions and stormwater and wastewater discharges, as applicable, according to 30 TAC 330.55 .
Modifications and Temporary Authorizations
- Procedures and forms for modifying a permit or registration, or obtaining a temporary authorization.
Final Facility Closure
When a transfer station ceases operations, the owner or operator must remove all waste, waste residues, and any recovered materials. After completion of closure activities, the owner or operator must submit a certification signed by an independent licensed professional engineer, verifying that final facility closure has been completed in accordance with the approved closure plan, and a request for voluntary revocation of the facility permit or registration.
- Rules for closure of storage and processing units – 30 TAC 330.459
- Rules for certification of final facility closure – 30 TAC 330.461
- Request for voluntary revocation of a permit or registration (Form TCEQ-10359)
Contact Us
Contact the MSW Permits Section if you have questions about transfer stations.