Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) General Permit: Making Changes to an approved Notice of Intent
Find out when to make changes to an existing CAFO authorization and how to apply for the change to your Notice of Intent after it has been approved under the CAFO general permit.
TCEQ reissued the CAFO General No. TXG920000, with an effective date of July 20, 2024.
1. Significant Expansion
A large CAFO or a state-only CAFO proposing a significant expansion (i.e., any change to the CAFO that increases the manure production at the CAFO by more than 50%, above the maximum operating capacity stated in the initial authorization for the facility under TXG920000) you must apply for coverage by submitting a new Notice of Intent ( Form TCEQ-20111). Visit the CAFO Significant Expansion webpage for additional resources on what changes are considered a significant expansion and how to apply for coverage.
2. Substantial Change (for large CAFOs)
The following changes to large CAFOs require you to submit a Notice of Change (NOC) ( Form TCEQ-20511) for a substantial change:
- Changing animal type.
- Increasing headcount (with 50% or less increase in manure production when compared to the initial authorization).
- Adding new LMUs.
- Increasing the size of an existing LMU.
- Adding crops or yield goals.
Visit the Substantial Change webpage for details on how to apply and the review process. TCEQ files substantial changes with the Office of the Chief Clerk (OCC) for public notice and public participation. Note: A manure production increase of greater than 50% from the initial authorization is a significant expansion and cannot be processed as an NOC (see item 1. above).
3. Non-substantial Change (for large CAFOs)
The following changes to large CAFOs require you to submit an NOC ( Form TCEQ 20511) for a non-substantial change:
- Decreasing the number of confined animals.
- Removing LMUs or reducing the size of an existing LMU, or reconfiguring existing LMUs without changing the approved boundaries.
- Removing crops/yield goals.
- Installation of digester.
See the Non-substantial Change webpage for details. TCEQ will review, approve, and post the public notification notice to the TCEQ GP webpage for Non-substantial Change. The non-substantial change applications will not be filed with the OCC and do not require public participation.
4. Regular NOC (for large CAFOs and state-only CAFOs)
The following changes can be made by both large CAFOs and state only CAFOs and require you to submit an NOC (Form TCEQ 20511):
- Address or phone number change.
- Update to facility maps or a change to your property boundary (but not using the added property for land application).
- Construction of RCSs or modification of existing RCSs.
- Changes to wastewater production and use.
- Changes to air authorization.
Upon receipt of the application, TCEQ will review and approve these changes, but they will not be filed with the OCC or uploaded to the TCEQ webpage.
5. State-only CAFO NOC
If you operate a state only CAFO as defined in the CAFO general permit, you must submit an NOC Form TCEQ 20511 to make any of the following changes:
- Change the animal type.
- Increase the number of confined animals (headcount) with an increase in manure production up to 50% of the initial approved Notice of Intent.
Note: If the increase in the number of animals will meet the headcount threshold for a large CAFO, as defined in the GP, then the facility will no longer be a state-only CAFO. You will be regulated as a large CAFO and must comply with Item 1 above. - Decrease headcount.
- Add new land management units (LMUs).
- Change the boundary of or reconfigure existing LMUs.
- Construct a new retention control structure (RCS) or modify existing RCSs.
- Make any change to your site map.
TCEQ will review and approve these changes to the site. They are not filed with the OCC and are not subject to the public review process (public participation).
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