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Substantial Change to the Terms of the Nutrient Management Plan of a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation(CAFO)

How to apply for a substantial change to the terms of the nutrient management plan of a large concentrated animal feeding operation under Texas water quality General Permit TXG920000.

What Constitutes a Substantial Change?

NOTE: These changes are not applicable to State-only CAFOs.

  • Changing animal type or increasing authorized head count that increases the manure production at the CAFO by 50% or less of the maximum operating capacity stated in the initial authorization for the facility under TXG920000;
  • Adding land management units or increasing application acreage; and
  • Using a crop or yield goal to determine maximum application rates for manure or wastewater not included in the CAFO’s authorization.

How to Apply

To obtain coverage under this general permit, follow these steps:

  1. Read general permit TXG920000  to make sure it applies to your situation.
  2. Prepare a Pollution Prevention Plan. For more details, see Part III of the general permit (TXG920000).
  3. Submit a notice of change application package which includes:
  • Notice of Change (NOC) Form TCEQ 20511
  • Core Data Form (TCEQ-10400) - Instructions to Fill Core Data Form (TCEQ-10400-inst)
  • The updated Nutrient Management Plan (NMP), based on the CAFO’s current soil, effluent and manure analyses
  • Supporting documents
  • One original and one copy of the application (to the Water Quality Application Review and Processing Team at the address on the NOI application)
  • One copy of the application (to the TCEQ regional office in the region where the facility is built)

The Public Comment Period

  1. Our staff will review the NOC, and if your application is technically complete, we will draft and post a public notice on the TCEQ website. This begins a public comment period of 30 days.
  2. We will provide copies of all your application package materials to be available in the TCEQ’s Office of the Chief Clerk in Austin and the TCEQ Regional Office where the CAFO is located. We will also include a technical summary and the Executive Director's Preliminary Decision, and the General Permit TXG920000 
  3. During the 30 day period, the public may submit comments to the Office of the Chief Clerk or request a public meeting. If a public meeting is required, the TCEQ will post a notice at least 30 days in advance on the TCEQ’s Notice Web page

The Executive Director’s Review

  • The Executive Director, after considering public comment, will incorporate the revised terms of the NMP into the permit and the permit record and notify the permittee and the public of the revised terms and conditions.
  • If the revised NMP and technical information meet the requirements of the general permit and the Executive Director approves the request for changes, we will send you a confirmation. If your coverage is denied, we will notify you.

If you have questions, please see our Contact Page or e-mail us at