Spanish Templates for Water Quality "Second Notices" (Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision)
The Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision (NAPD) is the second notice an applicant must publish. It is published only after technical review of the application is complete and we have made a preliminary decision to issue the draft permit. The NAPD must be published in Spanish when required by TCEQ rules. These Spanish templates are provided as a convenience for applicants.
Do not publish your notice until you have received the issued notice and instructions from us.
NAPDs in Spanish for:
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Permits
Domestic Land Application (TLAP) Permits
Domestic Discharge (TPDES) Permits
Industrial Land Application (TLAP) Permits
Industrial Discharge (TPDES) Permits
MS4 TPDES Permits
Sludge Processing or Disposal Permits
Sludge Beneficial Land Application Permits