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Wastewater Discharges from Oil and Gas Extraction Facilities: Obtaining Coverage under General Permit TXG310000

If you own or operate an onshore stripper well facility east of the 98th meridian, a coastal facility, or a territorial seas facility that intends to discharge wastes associated with oil and gas extraction activities into water in the state, you may qualify for coverage under the Oil and Gas Extraction TPDES General Permit Number TXG310000.

TCEQ has issued a new Oil and Gas Extraction TPDES General Permit No. TXG310000, with an effective date of January 10, 2024.

This general permit does not authorize discharges from facilities greater than 3.0 statute miles from the coastline in an area of the Gulf of Mexico that is commonly referred to as the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). For discharges into the Gulf of Mexico from an OCS facility extending greater than 3.0 statute miles and less than 10.357 statute miles, see the Oil and Gas Outer Continental Shelf webpage.

The following steps will help you determine if you qualify for coverage under the Oil and Gas Extraction TPDES General Permit No. TXG310000:

Step 1.

Read the General Permit TXG310000 and the Fact Sheet to make sure it applies to your situation. NOTE: This permit does not apply to discharges adjacent to water in the state (e.g., land application or evaporation) for wastes transported onshore from oil and gas extraction activities regulated by the Railroad Commission of Texas.

  • If the general permit does not apply, you might need to obtain an individual permit.
  • If the general permit does apply, continue with Step 2.

Step 2.

Review your facility's compliance history ranking:

  • If your facility has a ranking of “high performer,” “satisfactory performer,” or "inadequate information," continue to Step 3.
  • If the compliance history ranking is "unsatisfactory performer," then your facility is not eligible for coverage under a general permit. You must apply for an individual permit instead.

Step 3.

To apply for coverage under this general permit, submit a notification package, which includes:

  • Submit an application fee ($800) to:

    Pay online by ePay


    Mail to:
    Financial Administrative Division, Revenue Section MC 214
    Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
    P.O. Box 13088
    Austin TX 78711-3088

Step 4.

If you qualify for coverage under this general permit but would rather have an individual permit, you may request coverage under that permit instead.

Provisional coverage under this general permit begins 48 hours (about 2 days) after the NOI is postmarked for delivery to the TCEQ.

We will review the NOI and will take one of the following actions:

  • If everything is acceptable, we will send you an acknowledgment letter to authorize your coverage.
  • If any information is incomplete or missing, we will send you a letter requesting the necessary information. You will have 30 days (about a month) to respond to this request.
  • If coverage has been denied, we will send you a denial letter.

You must keep a copy of the NOI and the acknowledgement certificate onsite.

Remember: Permit coverage will remain active until you request termination. You must submit a Notice of Termination to TCEQ to cancel your permit. If your coverage is active September 1 of any given year, you will owe a water quality fee of $100 for that year.

If you have questions, please see our Contact Page.

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