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Sabine and Neches Rivers and Sabine Lake Bay Basin and Bay Stakeholder Committee: Members and Meetings

Members of the stakeholder committee for the Sabine and Neches Rivers and Sabine Lake Bay Basin and Bay Area and the interest groups they represent. Meetings, agendas, attendees, presentations, and findings.

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Past BBASC Meetings

The Sabine and Neches BBASC develops environmental flows recommendations for their river basin and bay system based on their associated science team’s recommendations and other factors, including present and future needs of water for other uses. The current members of this committee are:

Interest Group Member
River Authorities Robert Stroder, Vice-Chair
Agricultural Irrigation Kenneth Dickson
Chemical Manufacturing Joe Arnold
Commercial Fisherman Fr. Sinclair Oubre, J.C.L.
Concentrated Animal-Feeding Operations Rodney Newman
Electricity Generation W. Greg Carter, P.E.
Environmental Interests Bruce Drury
Environmental Interests Jeanie Turk
Free-Range Livestock C.R. "Dick" Sherron, M.D.
Groundwater Conservation Districts David Alders
Groundwater Conservation Districts Walter Glenn
Municipalities Keith Bonds
Municipalities Jody Puckett
Paper/Timber Katherine Davis
Public Interest Groups Doug Neighbor
Recreational Water Users Christopher Bean
Recreational Water Users Will Kirkpatrick
Regional Water Planning Groups Kelley Holcomb
Regional Water Planning Groups Robert Neal "Bob" Staton, Jr.
River Authorities Monty Shank
Soil and Water Conservation Districts Jerry Nichols

BBASC Meetings

Work Plan Development