Water Conservation Plans and Water Conservation Implementation Reports
Who must prepare a water conservation plan, deadlines, requirements, and forms.
Water Conservation Plans (WCP) and Water Conservation Implementation Reports (WCIR) are required by law for certain entities. This page includes an explanation of when submittal of either is required as well as details for submission of plans and reports including: deadlines, requirements, and model plans and forms.
Rules and Statutes Relevant to WCPs
- Texas Water Code (Section 11.1271)
- Requirements for Water Conservation Plans (30 TAC Chapter 288)
- Requirements for new or amended water right applications for Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plans (30 TAC Section 295.9)
Submittal Requirements
What/When to Submit
Submittals for Water Right Applications
An application for a new appropriation of State Water, an amendment to increase the appropriation of State Water, or an amendment to change the place or purpose of use, may require submittal of a WCP with your water rights application. The Water Right Application Forms will guide you as to whether a WCP is required for your particular application and will provide instructions on the requirements for your plan if one is required.
Five-Year WCP and WCIR Submittal
Under Texas Water Code Chapter 11 and Title 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 288, the following entities are required to develop, implement, and submit updated Water Conservation Plans and Water Conservation Implementation Reports to the TCEQ every five years:
Entity | Required plans and reports | Use | Form No. | Rules |
Surface Water Rights holder w/ 1,000 acre-feet or more for municipal, industrial, and other non-irrigation uses |
Submit WCP and WCIR to TCEQ Provide copy of WCP to TWDB |
Municipal (for retail water suppliers) | 10218, 20645 | §288.2 |
Municipal (for wholesale water suppliers) | 20162, 20645 | §288.5 | ||
Industrial | 20839, 20645 | §288.3 | ||
Mining | 20840, 20645 | §288.3 | ||
Agriculture (non-irrigation) | 10541, 20645 | §288.4(a)(1) | ||
Other non-irrigation uses | Contact Staff | §288.6 | ||
Surface Water Right holder w/ 10,000 acre-feet or more for irrigation uses |
Submit WCP and WCIR to TCEQ Provide copy of WCP to TWDB |
Individual Irrigation | 10238, 20645 | §288.4(a)(2) |
System Providing Agricultural Water to More than One User | 10244, 20645 | §288.4(a)(3) |
The current deadline to submit updated Water Conservation Plans and Water Conservation Implementation Reports to the TCEQ is May 1, 2024. The TCEQ recommends that these documents be submitted beginning January 1, 2024 via mail or email to the addresses provided below. Please include “Five Year Plan Submittal” in the subject line of your email or mailed letter.
Revised Water Conservation Plans
If a WCP is revised and adopted in between 5-year submittal deadlines, the updated WCP must be submitted to the TCEQ within 90 days of adoption. The revised plans must also include water conservation implementation reports.
Revised plans and implementation reports can be submitted via email or by mail to the TCEQ (contact information provided below). Please include “Revised WCP” in the subject line of your email or mailed letter.
TWDB Water Conservation Annual Report Submittal
Each entity that is required to submit an updated water conservation plan to the TCEQ or TWDB is also required to submit a water conservation annual report to TWDB by May 1st each year.
Information regarding the Water Conservation Annual Report submittal can be found on the TWDB Conservation webpage .
What to Include
The TCEQ has developed guidance and model plans to help entities prepare plans and reports (below). Entities may use the model plans with their pertinent information included or submit their own plans and reports with all required information. Generally, if you follow the instructions/checklists on the forms provided, and consult the appropriate rules noted above, the requirements will be met.
Water Conservation Implementation Reports should be submitted on the forms provided below.
WCP Model Plans
Municipal Water Use by Public Water Supplier
Wholesale Public Water Suppliers
Industrial Use
Mining Use
Agricultural Uses
- Agriculture Non-Irrigation (TCEQ-10541)
- Individually-Operated Irrigation System (TCEQ-10238)
- Agricultural Water Suppliers Providing Water to More Than One User (TCEQ-10244)
Water Conservation Implementation Report Form
For a copy of a plan or form, please contact the Conservation staff of the Resource Protection Team in the Water Availability Division at 512-239-4600, or email wcp@tceq.texas.gov.
Additional Guidance for WCPs
Five-year and Ten-year targets for water savings
When developing or updating a WCP, please note that every WCP should include specific, quantified five-year and ten-year targets for water savings. These savings should be numeric, as a percentage or amount.
- WCPs for retail public water suppliers should include targets for water savings, and include goals for water loss programs and goals for municipal use in total gallons per capita per day (GPCD) and residential GPCD.
- WCPs for wholesale public water suppliers should include targets for water savings, and may include targets goals such as municipal use in GPCD for the wholesaler’s service area and maximum acceptable water loss.
- WCPs for irrigation use should include targets represented in acre-feet or in water use efficiency. (Examples of typical efficiencies for various types of irrigation systems -Surface: 50-80%; Sprinkler: 70-85%; LEPA: 80-90%; Micro-irrigation: 85-95%)
Providing documentation of implementation of a plan
The means of implementation and enforcement of the plan shall be evidenced by a copy of the ordinance, resolution, or tariff indicating the official adoption of the plan by the governing body.
Providing documentation of coordination with the regional water planning group (RWPG)
Plans must include documentation of coordination with the regional water planning groups for the service area of the Retail or Wholesale water supplier in order to ensure consistency with the appropriate approved regional water plans. Examples include a copy of a cover letter indicating that the plan was provided to the RWPG, or a statement in the plan that a copy of the plan was submitted to the RWPG.
Information about the RWPGs can be found on the TWDB Regional Planning Regions webpage .
Additional Information or Assistance
For assistance in developing a WCP or completing these forms, please contact the Conservation staff of the Resource Protection Team in the Water Availability Division at (512) 239-4600, or email wcp@tceq.texas.gov.
Where to Submit Plans and Reports
Submit Water Conservation Plans and Implementation Report Form electronically by email to wcp@tceq.texas.gov or by mail to the following address:
Texas Commission on Environmental QualityResource Protection Team, MC-160
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, Texas 78711-3087
For submittals to the TWDB, go to the TWDB Conservation webpage .
Guidance for Conserving and Reporting on Water Use
Water Conservation Best Management Practices
Water users can find best management practices at the Texas Water Development Board's website . The practices are broken out into sectors such as Agriculture, Commercial and Institutional, Industrial, Municipal, and Wholesale.
Guidance and Methodology for Reporting on Water Conservation and Water Use
Retail water providers and other water use sectors may use this guide to calculate water use and conservation, and to prepare water use reports, water conservation plans, and reports on water conservation efforts.
This uniform and consistent methodology and guidance was developed by the TWDB and the TCEQ, in consultation with the Water Conservation Advisory Council.
Other Resources
Additional resources available regarding water conservation.
- Regional Water Planning
- Drought in Texas
- Water Conservation
- Drought Emergency Planning
- Save Texas Water (Water Conservation Advisory Council)
For More Information
For more information or assistance, please contact Conservation staff of the Resource Protection Team at 512-239-4600 or e-mail us at wcp@tceq.texas.gov