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Water Rights: Technical Resources

Use these pages to help determine if water is available for you to use. Find information for stakeholders of water rights committees. Water availability modeling, planning for drought and conservation, assessing environmental flows and programs for instream uses.

Water Availability Models

Water Availability Models

Information about the Water Availability Model (WAM) and the Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP). Explanation of various river basin input and GIS files. WRAP input files for running the water availability models.

Water Conservation Planning

Water Conservation Planning

Preparing and submitting water conservation plans. Who must submit them, deadlines, guidance and forms.

Drought Contingency Planning

Drought Contingency Planning

Preparing and submitting drought contingency plans. Who must submit them, what to include, sample plans and guidance.

Environmental Flows

Environmental Flows

Committees, stakeholder groups, rules, and tools for assessing environmental flows.

Instream Uses Program

Instream Uses Program

TCEQ staff assess water rights applications to ensure that water resources are protected.

Water Rights Adjudication Maps

Water Rights Adjudication Maps

Maps which contain the physical location of diversion points and reservoirs in the Certificates of Adjudication.

GIS Data and Maps

GIS Data and Maps

Maps and data showing the location of water rights in Texas.