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Guadalupe River Above Canyon Lake: Status and Activities

What's going on and what's been done to reduce bacteria in the Guadalupe River Above Canyon Lake and make it safe for recreation.
Project Location and Parameters Guadalupe River Project Navigation TMDL Program Navigation
County: Kerr
Parameter: Bacteria
River Basin: Guadalupe
Segments: 1806, 1806D, 1806E

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TMDL, I-Plan, and Reports

TMDL Projects



Bird deterrent structure over the Guadalupe River
Bird deterrent net under a bridge over the Guadalupe River

Assessment in 2014 indicated that the impaired portions of Segment 1806 are now fully supporting the contact recreation use. However, the tributaries Quinlan Creek (Segment 1806D) and Town Creek (Segment 1806E) were added for nonsupport of contact recreation in 2014. Since the adopted TMDL was for the entire watershed, the TMDLs for these two tributaries were added through an addendum in the state's Water Quality Management Plan. In 2018, the stakeholders and the Upper Guadalupe River Authority prepared a revised I-Plan to continue their efforts in improving local water quality.

Status Reports

Tracking of implementation allows stakeholders to evaluate actions taken, identify actions that may not be working, and make changes as necessary.

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As of March 2015, the Upper Guadalupe River Authority's Bacteria Reduction Plan had funded the installation of twenty-two pet waste stations in the community. In 2014, the Flat Rock Park pet waste stations collected over 1,900 pounds of waste, which prevented this waste from washing into the river.

The Upper Guadalupe River Authority holds a river cleanup each year. Volunteers remove many pounds of trash in addition to learning about the river and the connection between human activities and water quality.

Education and Outreach

Educational Kiosk

This interactive kiosk, featuring the water education program Water Down the Drain, was installed in January 2013 at the Riverside Nature Center. The program guides users through several activities that teach how pollution can be washed into waterways, the effects of nonpoint source pollution, and what can be done to prevent it. This kiosk was rotated among other public venues in the community.

Grant Funded Project to Support the I-Plan

The TCEQ's Nonpoint Source Program supported an Upper Guadalupe River bacteria project that implemented some aspects of the I-Plan, including controls of waterfowl and bird nesting under river bridges, as well as education about management of on-site septic systems.

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Contact the TMDL Program

Please e-mail us at, and mention the Guadalupe River bacteria project in the subject line. Or call us at 512-239-6682.

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