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Look Up Data and Records Online

Listing of various environmental-quality data and records available on the TCEQ website.

Download Raw Datasets

Raw data available for download in ascii, Excel, and similar formats. Includes geospatial data.


Occupational licensing records, training records, and examination results for individuals and registration information for companies.

Enforcement and Compliance Reports and Status

Monthly and annual reports on the enforcement activities of the TCEQ, including a list of all orders and their corresponding penalties.


Drinking Water Data

Search for public water systems and generate reports.

Discharge Monitoring Report Data

Access water-quality discharge-monitoring data submitted thru NetDMR by Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permittees.

Status of Water-Supply Permits and Registrations

Track the status of water supply permit applications and system plans and specifications that are under review.

Surface Water Quality Data and Reports

Status of surface water quality, including the Texas Water Quality Inventory [305(b) report] and the list of waters not meeting standards [303(d) list]. Maps and map-based viewers. Monitoring stations, parameters, events, and results.

Status of Stormwater and Wastewater Applications and Specifications

Track the status of applications for general permits, applications for individual permits, and approval of wastewater system design plans and specifications.

Water Districts

Data, reports, maps, and reference materials of use to water districts in Texas.

Water Wells

Links to resources that can help you locate information on water wells.


Air Quality Data and Evaluations

Data on current and historical air pollution and weather measurements, air monitoring and emissions, ratings for Texas cities.

Status of Air Permits and Permit Applications

Find pending and completed air permits.

Waste Management

Waste Management Permit Applications, Permits, Registrations, and Facilities

Data and information on hazardous and solid waste activities.

Dry Cleaner Records and Data

Look up information on registered dry cleaners, or download a statewide dry cleaner site owners list.

Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Records and Datasets

Find current and historic information and datasets about PSTs and known LPSTs in Texas.