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Surface Water Quality Data and Reports

Status of surface water quality, including the Texas Water Quality Inventory [305(b) report] and the list of waters not meeting standards [303(d) list]. Maps and map-based viewers. Monitoring stations, parameters, events, and results.

Monitoring Data and Reports

Continuous Water Quality Monitoring Network

TCEQ continuous water quality monitoring stations, data, locations, and photos of monitoring sites.

Hydrography Data and Maps

Links to the Atlas of Texas Surface Waters, data for Level 4 ecoregions, GIS data for classified segments, and other hydrology data layers for use in ArcGIS. Statewide hydrography maps and map-based viewers for surface water information.

Texas Clean Rivers Program: Data, Forms, and Map Resources

Surface water quality data, monitoring sites, data management procedures, maps, and GIS data related to surface water quality.

Texas Water Quality Integrated Report

Formerly called the "Texas Water Quality Inventory and 303(d) List," the Integrated Report evaluates the quality of surface waters in Texas, and provides resource managers with a tool for making informed decisions when directing agency programs. The Integrated Report is prepared pursuant to Clean Water Act Sections 305(b) and 303(d).

Projects and Procedures

Guidance, Manuals, and Procedures for Surface Water Quality Monitoring

Guides and procedures for activities to monitor and assess the quality of Texas surface waters.