Houston-Galveston-Brazoria 8-Hour Ozone SIP Modeling (2000 Episode)
Air quality modeling data files and documents for the 8-Hour Ozone SIP in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria area (2000 episode).
The TCEQ conducted meteorological and photochemical modeling to support controls on ozone pollution under the State Implementation Plan in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria (HGB) ozone non-attainment area for the eight-hour ozone standard. Details on the attainment demonstration modeling setup are provided below.
If you have any question regarding these files, please e-mail us at amda@tceq.texas.gov with "HGB 8-Hour Ozone SIP Modeling Files" in the subject line.
Photochemical Modeling Data Files
CAMx Modeling Domain - map projection, horizontal grid and vertical layer structures.
Air Monitoring Sites - information of air quality and meteorological monitoring sites in HGB area.
Observed Air Quality Data (MS Excel) - O3, NO, NO2, CO, and VOC data from monitoring sites in the HGB area on Aug. 15–Sept. 7, 2000.
CAMx Modeling of August 16 – September 6, 2000 HGB Ozone Episode
- Base Case: camx431_cb4.hgb8h.base1c.pscfoelv1.TCEQuh1_eta_tke
- Baseline Case: camx431_cb4.hgb8h.b2000c.pscfolev1.TCEQuh1_eta_tke
- Future Year 2009 Case: camx431_cb4.hgb8h.f2009h.cs00.TCEQuh1_eta_tke
- Future Year 2012 Case: camx431_cb4.hgb8h.f2012h.cs00.TCEQuh1_eta_tke
Meteorological Modeling Data Files
MM5 Modeling Domain - map projection, horizontal grid and vertical layer structures.
MM5 Modeling of August 16 – September 6, 2000 HGB Ozone Episode
Run Name | Main Features |
TCEQuh1 | - Grell cumulus schemes for 108, 36, and 12km domains; no cumulus scheme for 4km domain. - Analysis nudging was used for 108, 36, and 12km domains; observational nudging using profiler data was used for 4km domain. - MRF PBL scheme. - RRTM radiation. - Texas Forest Service (TFS) Land use data for hgbpa_04km domain. - Modified NOAH Land-surface model to use TFS Land use. |
TCEQuh1_eta | - Same as TCEQuh1 except using ETA instead of MRF PBL scheme. - Modification to the emissivity in NOAH LSM to improve temperature predictions. - Standard land use data. - 4km domain only |