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Barnett Shale Geological Area

Barnett Shale is a hydrocarbon-producing geological formation consisting of sedimentary rocks and stretching from the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex west and south, covering 5,000 square miles.


Since 2002, gas production activity in the area has experienced significant growth and the TCEQ has been improving emissions data from oil and gas production and is conducting in-depth measurements to fully evaluate potential health effects.

TCEQ is using state-of-the-art technology to address emissions from Barnett Shale activities and overall oil and gas operations. These initiatives will continue to reduce emissions through improved agency policies, guidance for regulated entities and possible enforcement if necessary.

Automated Gas Chromatographs (AutoGCs) Barnett Shale Monitoring Network
Near-real-time air monitoring results from the agency's AutoGC monitoring network are available on-line.

Maps and Charts
Maps and charts showing oil and gas wells, monitor locations, and air quality information for the Barnett Shale area.

Barnett Shale Area Special Inventory
The TCEQ is requesting companies with Barnett Shale oil and gas operations to provide air emissions-related information for calendar year 2009.

Barnett Shale Air-Sampling Results Near Oil and Natural Gas Facilities by County
TCEQ laboratory analysis of air samples collected near oil and/or natural gas facilities located in the Barnett Shale area.

Air Quality Issues - Ozone
Information on the latest air quality research relating to Barnett Shale's impact on DFW's ozone concentrations.

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