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Regional Haze

Discusses Texas' strategies to implement the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) rules on regional haze.

Overview-Regional Haze
Overview of haze-forming pollution and the EPA's Regional Haze rule to reduce haze in national parks and wilderness areas.

Regional Haze SIP Appendices, February 25, 2009
A list of the appendices for this revision to the state implementation plan for air quality.

Texas belongs to the Central Regional Air Planning Association and Central States Air Resource Agencies—eight states that work together reducing regional haze.

Regional Haze: Resources
EPA documents, links, and contact information related to regional haze, Best Available Retrofit Technology, and the Clean Air Interstate Rule.

Regional Haze: Rulemaking (BART and CSAPR/CAIR)
Rulemaking related to Best Available Retrofit Technology and the Cross State Air Pollution Rule/Clean Air Interstate Rule to reduce regional haze.

SIP Revision: Regional Haze
The regional-haze revision to the state implementation plan for air quality is the plan Texas must submit to the EPA to show how the state will reduce regional haze in the air to natural background conditions.