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Dallas-Fort Worth: Contacts and SIP-Related Links

How to contact the TCEQ, contact local planning groups, and access other helpful links.

Learn more about the Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) and contact the TCEQ

TCEQ SIP Contacts

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Designated Air Quality Planning Groups

Air Quality Technical Committee  
616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 200, Arlington, TX 76005-5888
This Committee exchanges information and covers topics including the status of Dallas-Fort Worth photochemical modeling development, research initiatives, and control strategy review in preparation for the DFW SIP revision development. 

North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG)
616 Six Flags Drive, Suite 200, Arlington, TX 76005-5888
Phone: 817-640-3300
A voluntary association established to assist local governments in planning for common needs, cooperating for mutual benefit, and coordinating for sound regional development. Site includes local air quality planning agendas, minutes, and presentations.

Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
The NCTCOG also serves as the area's MPO, which conducts regional transportation planning in North Central Texas, working with state and local governments, the private sector, and the region’s citizens to plan coordinated transportation systems designed to move goods and people affordably, efficiently, and safely. Composed of the NCTCOG Transportation Department, the NCTCOG Executive Board, the Regional Transportation Council, and several technical committees.

Dallas-Fort Worth Air Quality Technical Information Meeting (TIM)
Meetings are held to present technical and scientific information related to air quality modeling and analysis to inform stakeholders of information relevant to SIP development for the DFW ozone nonattainment area. 

Related Links

Discrete Emissions Reduction Credit (DERC) Program—a market-based framework for trading emission reductions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than or equal to nominal 10 microns (PM10) from stationary, area, and mobile sources.

Dallas/Fort Worth Photochemical Modeling Technical Committee—advises the TCEQ on technical and scientific issues relating to air quality in the Dallas–Fort Worth area.

The DFW Eight-Hour Ozone SIP Stakeholder Group is open to the public; so, anyone who wishes to join may attend the meetings. The group will meet periodically to discuss the development of the DFW eight-hour ozone SIP revision and to hear the public’s ideas on potential control strategies for the area.

Barnett Shale—a hydrocarbon-producing geological formation of sedimentary rocks, stretching from the city of Dallas west and south, covering 5,000 sq mi and 21 counties. Since 2002, gas production in the area has grown significantly. The TCEQ has been improving emissions data from oil and gas production and is conducting in-depth measurements to fully evaluate potential health effects.

Regulation to control emissions from cement kilns.