Compliance with Eight-Hour Ozone Standard
In July 1997, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a new National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ground-level ozone. The EPA phased out and replaced the previous one-hour standard with an eight-hour standard to protect public health against longer exposure to this air pollutant. In March 2008, the EPA updated the eight-hour standard again. A community will meet the eight-hour standard when the three-year average of the annual fourth highest daily maximum eight-hour ozone concentration measured at each monitoring site is less than 71 parts per billion (ppb).
Highlighted rows show the monitor in each area that may ultimately be used to determine the area's compliance with the ozone standard. These highlighted monitors have measured an area's ozone concentrations over the past three years.
Below are the annual fourth highest daily maximum eight-hour average ozone concentrations from data collected beginning January 1, 2022, to date. Data is updated each hour. Data is given for each area that has ozone monitors.
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PLEASE NOTE: This data has not been verified by the TCEQ and may change. This is the most current data, but it is not official until it has been certified by our technical staff. Data is collected from TCEQ ambient monitoring sites and may include data collected by other outside agencies. This data is updated hourly. All times shown are in local standard time unless otherwise indicated.
Following EPA reporting guidelines, negative values may be displayed in our hourly criteria air quality data, down to the negative of the EPA listed Method Detection Limit (MDL) for the particular instrument that made the measurements. The reported concentrations can be negative due to zero drift in the electronic instrument output, data logger channel, or calibration adjustments to the data. Prior to 1/1/2013, slightly negative values were automatically set to zero.