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Water Monitoring Site Information

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Site DescriptionAddressCityStateCounty
 River BasinResponsible Entity

Site Description
Street Address
River Basin
Responsible Entity
749 Pine Island Bayou C749End of Voth Road near Pump StationBeaumontNeches RiverLower Neches Valley Authority (LNVA)
761 Clear Creek at Mykawa Rd. C761South of Sam Houston Parkway in Brookside VillageBrookshire VillageSan Jacinto-Brazos CoastalUSGS for TCEQ
726 Scarborough Creek North Bosque C726County Rd 423StephenvilleBrazos RiverTCEQ DFW Regional Office
728 Little Duffau Creek C72811762 County Rd. 209HicoBrazos RiverTCEQ DFW Regional Office
765 Un-named Tributary of Duffau Creek C76511762 County Rd. 209HicoBrazos RiverTCEQ DFW Regional Office
804 Un-Named Tributary of Greens Creek C804County Rd 382 0.15 miles SSE of CR385StephenvilleBrazos RiverTCEQ DFW Regional Office
805 Indian Creek North Bosque River C805Indian Creek 550 KM ds of US281StephenvilleBrazos RiverTCEQ DFW Regional Office
806 North Bosque River at CR454North Bosque River at CR454StephenvilleBrazos RiverTCEQ DFW Regional Office
802 Menard Irrigation Canal C80250 meters downstream of diversion from San Saba RiMenardColorado RiverUSGS for TCEQ
741 Geronimo Creek at SH 123 C7417175 N State Highway 123SeguinGuadalupe RiverGuadalupe-Blanco River Authority
745 Jacobs Well Spring C745101 WoodacreWimberleyGuadalupe RiverUSGS for TCEQ
711 USGS Medina Rv nr Macdona C711USGS Gage 08180700 near Loop 1604MacdonaSan Antonio RiverUSGS; sponsored by Bexar Metropolitan Water District
713 USGS Leon Ck at IH-35 C713USGS Gage 08181480 near IH-35San AntonioSan Antonio RiverUSGS; sponsored by City of San Antonio and the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District-Public Center for Environmental Health
714 USGS Medina Rv at San Antonio C714USGS Gage 08181500 near Hwy 281San AntonioSan Antonio RiverUSGS; sponsored by San Antonio River Authority (SARA)
715 USGS San Antonio Rv at Elmendorf C715USGS Gage 08181800 near Hwys 1303 & 1604ElmendorfSan Antonio RiverUSGS; sponsored by CPS Energy and the San Antonio Water System
769 USGS Medina River at Applewhite Rd. C76915738 Applewhite Rd.San AntonioSan Antonio RiverUSGS; Sponsored by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas Inc.
709 Coyanosa C7093738 N. Hwy. 1776CoyanosaRio Grande RiverTCEQ Midland Regional Office
719 Fort Quitman C719IBWC Gauging Station near Old Fort QuitmanNARio Grande RiverInternational Boundary & Water Commission
720 Rio Grande at Castolon C720Cottonwood CampgroundBig BendRio Grande RiverUSGS for TCEQ
721 Rio Grande at RGV C721Daniels Ranch Picnic AreaBig BendRio Grande RiverUSGS for TCEQ
729 Lower Pecos River C7292.3 miles upstream of Terrell/Val Verde/Crockett county lines on Brotherton RanchSheffieldRio Grande RiverTCEQ Midland Regional Office
735 Pecos River near Sheffield C7350.15 miles downstream from Highway 290 on Olin Smith RanchSheffieldRio Grande RiverTCEQ Midland Regional Office
736 Anzalduas Dam Near Pier 4 C736Rio Grande at Anzalduas Dam Pier 4.ProgressoRio Grande RiverUSGS
757 Rio Grande upstream of Presidio C757upstream of Rio Concho confluencePresidioRio Grande RiverUSGS for TCEQ
758 Rio Grande downstream of Presidio C758downstream of Rio Concho confluencePresidioRio Grande RiverUSGS for TCEQ
759 Rio Grande at Fosters Ranch C759upstream of Amistad ReservoirLangtryRio Grande RiverUSGS for TCEQ
764 Independence Creek C764Texas Nature Conservancy Independence Creek PreserveSheffieldRio Grande RiverTCEQ Midland Regional Office
767 Rio Grande at Roma TX C76777 Convent St.RomaRio Grande RiverTCEQ Harlingen Regional Office
785 Pecos River near Girvin C785FM 11 3.5 miles from US67/385 intersection at GirvinGirvinRio Grande RiverUSGS for TCEQ
788 Pecos River Near Red Bluff NM C788E of US 285 N of Longhorn Rd on abandoned railroad bedRed Bluff NMRio Grande RiverUSGS NM Water Science Center
789 Rio Grande Harlingen ID 1 C789115 Trevino RdSan BenitoRio Grande RiverUSGS
791 Rio Grande near United ID C7912901 S. Abram TrailMissionRio Grande RiverUSGS
792 Rio Grande near Hildalgo ID 18 C792Schuback Rd.MissionRio Grande RiverTCEQ
793 Rio Grande near HC&CC ID 9 C793South Rio Rico Rd at Rio Grande RiverMercedesRio Grande RiverUSGS
796 Rio Grande ds of Arroyo Los Olmos C7961.22 miles downstream of the Pete Diaz BridgeRio Grande CityRio Grande RiverUSGS
798 Pecos River near Orla TX C798FM 652 at Pecos RiverOrlaRio Grande RiverUSGS for TCEQ
799 Pecos River near Langtry TX C799US ALT 90 7.2 mi east of Langtry TXLangtryRio Grande RiverUSGS for TCEQ
803 RioGrande DWNS SantaElena CNYN C803 Big Bend National ParkRio Grande RiverUSGS for TCEQ
808 Balmorhea Pool Discharge Canal C808Texas Highway 17BalmorheaRio Grande RiverTexas Parks & Wildlife
1709 Coyanosa C7093738 N. Hwy. 1776CoyanosaRio Grande RiverTCEQ Midland Regional Office
1729 Lower Pecos River C7292.3 miles upstream of Terrell/Val Verde/Crockett county lines on Brotherton RanchSheffieldRio Grande RiverTCEQ Midland Regional Office
1735 Pecos River near Sheffield C7350.15 miles downstream from Highway 290 on Olin Smith RanchSheffieldRio Grande RiverTCEQ Midland Regional Office
1764 Independence Creek C764Texas Nature Conservancy Independence Creek PreserveSheffieldRio Grande RiverTCEQ Midland Regional Office
1785 Pecos River near Girvin C785FM 11 3.5 miles from US67/385 intersection at GirvinGirvinRio Grande RiverTCEQ Midland Regional Office