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Hourly Data by Pollutant (all sites)

Use this form to retrieve hourly data collected at TCEQ monitoring stations. For air monitoring stations, we continuously sample the atmosphere (one sample per second), and every five minutes an average of all the one-second samples collected is calculated for each parameter monitored. Hourly averages are then calculated from these five-minute averages. For water monitoring stations, we take a sample once every 15 minutes. Hourly averages are then calculated from these samples. Although this is our most current data, it is not considered official until it has been certified by our technical staff. This information is updated hourly.

This web page provides the most current hourly averaged data available. Our convention for time-tagging data is the beginning of each hour. For example, values shown for the noon hour are based on measurements taken from noon to 1:00 p.m. The noon average will not be calculated until after 1:00 p.m. The noon average will then be available on our external server from 1:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. This results in an apparent one-hour time lag in the data. We also present our data in Local Standard Time for each measuring site. For most of Texas this is Central Standard Time. During Daylight Savings, this introduces another apparent one-hour time lag in the data.

Select a date:

Use the buttons below to select which date you want reported.
Today (February 9, 2025)
Yesterday (February 8, 2025)
Specify a date

Select a Parameter:

View hourly averages for any pollutant or meteorological condition measured by TCEQ. Select the parameter you are interested in from the list below. Data will be shown from all TCEQ monitoring sites that measure the parameter you select. Please note that not all parameters are measured at all sites.

Select a time format:

Choose to have the report generated in either an AM/PM format or in a 24-hour format. This time format only affects the labeling in the table header and not the report contents. The report is always generated in Local Standard Time (LST) for each reporting station.

AM/PM Format
24 Hour Format

Select a Region:

You may choose to have the report limited to only sites measuring your selected parameter located in a specific region. Select All Active Regions to report on all sites where your selected parameter is monitored.

Once you have made your selections above, click on the Generate Report button. You may use the Reset to Defaults button to clear selections you have made.

Select Highlighting Options:

Highlight validated data (Validated data has been manually reviewed by a data validator)

PLEASE NOTE:  This data has not been verified by the TCEQ and may change. This is the most current data, but it is not official until it has been certified by our technical staff. Data is collected from TCEQ ambient monitoring sites and may include data collected by other outside agencies. This data is updated hourly. All times shown are in local standard time unless otherwise indicated.

Following EPA reporting guidelines, negative values may be displayed in our hourly criteria air quality data, down to the negative of the EPA listed Method Detection Limit (MDL) for the particular instrument that made the measurements. The reported concentrations can be negative due to zero drift in the electronic instrument output, data logger channel, or calibration adjustments to the data. Prior to 1/1/2013, slightly negative values were automatically set to zero.