Amarillo metropolitan area
CAMS 79 Pantex 7 C79 (Deactivated Oct 29, 2020)
CAMS 104 Pantex 4 A104 (Deactivated Jun 05, 2018)
CAMS 105 Pantex 5 A105/A205 (Deactivated Mar 13, 2021)
CAMS 305 Amarillo C305 (Deactivated Apr 12, 2005)
CAMS 320 Amarillo Texas A&M C320 (Deactivated Dec 09, 2024)
CAMS 1025 Amarillo 24th Avenue C1025
CAMS 1073 Borger FM 1559 C1073
CAMS 1077 Amarillo Xcel El Rancho C1077
Lubbock metropolitan area
CAMS 306 Lubbock C306 (Deactivated Jun 22, 2005)
CAMS 325 Lubbock C325 (Deactivated Nov 17, 2014)
CAMS 1028 Lubbock 12th Street C1028
Abilene metropolitan area
CAMS 315 Wichita Falls C315 (Deactivated Mar 05, 2014)
CAMS 652 Wichita Falls TEXAQSII C652 (Deactivated Feb 14, 2007)
CAMS 1507 Bowie Patterson Street C1507
CAMS 1508 Wichita Falls MWSU C1508
CAMS 1509 Abilene North 3rd Street C1509
CAMS 5015 Abilene KABI C5015 (Deactivated Feb 12, 2022)
Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area
CAMS 5 Dallas North C5 (Deactivated Nov 03, 1998)
CAMS 13 Ft. Worth Northwest C13/AH302
CAMS 17 Keller C17
CAMS 31 Frisco C31/C680
CAMS 33 Denton Co. Airport C33 (Deactivated Nov 24, 1997)
CAMS 52 Midlothian OFW C52/A137 (Deactivated Apr 26, 2022)
CAMS 56 Denton Airport South C56/A163/X157
CAMS 57 Arlington Regional Office C57 (Deactivated Jul 11, 2001)
CAMS 60 Dallas Hinton St. C401/C60/AH161
CAMS 61 Arlington Municipal Airport C61
CAMS 63 Dallas North No.2 C63/C679
CAMS 68 Anna C68 (Deactivated Sep 29, 2004)
CAMS 69 Rockwall Heath C69
CAMS 70 Grapevine Fairway C70/A301/X182
CAMS 71 Kaufman C71/A304/X071
CAMS 73 Granbury C73/C681
CAMS 74 Sunnyvale Long Creek C74 (Deactivated Mar 30, 2006)
CAMS 75 Eagle Mountain Lake C75
CAMS 76 Parker County C76
CAMS 77 Cleburne Airport C77/C682
CAMS 88 Decatur Thompson C88
CAMS 89 Fort Worth Yuma C89/Z400 (Deactivated Sep 16, 2010)
CAMS 94 Midlothian Tower C94/A305/X158 (Deactivated Aug 22, 2007)
CAMS 97 Fort Worth Berry C97/Z401 (Deactivated Sep 16, 2010)
CAMS 132 DFW Airport 2 C132 (Deactivated Jun 30, 2000)
CAMS 134 Boys Club A134 (Deactivated Feb 25, 2008)
CAMS 137 Midlothian OFW C52/A137 (Deactivated Oct 14, 2003)
CAMS 157 Denton Airport South C56/A163/X157
CAMS 158 Midlothian Tower C94/A305/X158 (Deactivated Apr 05, 2004)
CAMS 160 Midlothian Tower C94/A305/X158 (Deactivated Apr 05, 2004)
CAMS 161 Dallas Hinton St. C401/C60/AH161
CAMS 163 Denton Airport South C56/A163/X157
CAMS 182 Grapevine Fairway C70/A301/X182
CAMS 197 Garland Hwy Dept C197 (Deactivated Mar 04, 2003)
CAMS 198 Greenville C1006/A198 (Deactivated Oct 15, 2003)
CAMS 302 Midlothian Wyatt Road C302/A306 (Deactivated Apr 04, 2006)
CAMS 308 Diamond Hill Fort Worth C308 (Deactivated Sep 02, 2005)
CAMS 310 Haws Athletic Center C310
CAMS 312 Convention Center C312
CAMS 401 Dallas Hinton St. C401/C60/AH161
CAMS 402 Dallas Executive Airport C402
CAMS 650 Italy High School C650 (Deactivated Nov 07, 2006)
CAMS 679 Dallas North No.2 C63/C679 (Deactivated Dec 15, 2006)
CAMS 680 Frisco C31/C680 (Deactivated Dec 15, 2006)
CAMS 681 Granbury C73/C681 (Deactivated Dec 15, 2006)
CAMS 682 Cleburne Airport C77/C682
CAMS 1006 Greenville C1006/A198
CAMS 1007 Flower Mound Shiloh C1007
CAMS 1008 Johnson County Luisa C1008/Z402
CAMS 1009 Everman Johnson Park C1009
CAMS 1010 Frisco Eubanks C1010
CAMS 1013 Dish Airfield C1013
CAMS 1018 Arlington UT Campus C1018
CAMS 1032 Pilot Point C1032
CAMS 1044 Italy C1044/A323
CAMS 1051 Corsicana Airport C1051
CAMS 1053 Ft Worth California Parkway North C1053
CAMS 1062 Kennedale Treepoint Dr C1062
CAMS 1063 Mansfield Flying L Lane C1063
CAMS 1064 Rhome Seven Hills Road C1064
CAMS 1065 Fort Worth Joe B Rushing Road C1065
CAMS 1067 Dallas LBJ Freeway C1067
CAMS 1081 Richland Southeast 1220 Road C1081
CAMS 1089 Terrell Jamison Court C1089
CAMS 1096 Dallas Bexar Street C1096
CAMS 1500 Lancaster Cedardale C1500
CAMS 1501 Godley FM2331 C1501
CAMS 1502 Mineral Wells 23rd St. C1502
CAMS 1503 Fort Worth Benbrook Lake C1503
CAMS 1504 Gainsville Doss Street C1504
CAMS 1505 Dallas Elm Fork C1505
CAMS 1506 Weatherford Tin Top Road C1506
CAMS 3002 Dallas Hinton St. C401/C60/AH161
CAMS 5007 Arlington Airport KGKY C5007 (Deactivated Feb 02, 2022)
CAMS 5008 Denton Airport KDTO C5008 (Deactivated Jan 17, 2019)
CAMS 5014 Corsicana KCRS C5014 (Deactivated Nov 15, 2020)
CAMS 9997 Earhart C9997
CAMS 9998 Frisco Stonebrook C9998
Tyler-Longview-Marshall metropolitan area
CAMS 19 Longview C19/A127/C644
CAMS 50 Cypress River Airport C50 (Deactivated Mar 22, 2001)
CAMS 82 Tyler Airport Relocated C82
CAMS 85 Karnack C85/AFHP303
CAMS 86 Tyler Airport C86 (Deactivated May 17, 2000)
CAMS 127 Longview C19/A127/C644
CAMS 133 Winona C133 (Deactivated Apr 01, 1997)
CAMS 605 Longview Big Woods C605 (Deactivated Oct 22, 2001)
CAMS 612 Waskom C612 (Deactivated Oct 21, 2003)
CAMS 627 Panola C627 (Deactivated Oct 30, 2006)
CAMS 644 Longview C19/A127/C644
CAMS 645 Wamba NTRD C645 (Deactivated Nov 07, 2006)
CAMS 647 Palestine C647 (Deactivated Oct 25, 2006)
CAMS 648 Clarksville NTRD C648/C668 (Deactivated Dec 15, 2006)
CAMS 668 Clarksville NTRD C648/C668 (Deactivated Dec 15, 2006)
CAMS 1031 Texarkana New Boston C1031
CAMS 1078 Cookville FM 4855 C1078
CAMS 1079 Hallsville Red Oak Road C1079
CAMS 1082 Tatum CR 2181d Martin Creek Lake C1082
El Paso-Juarez metropolitan area
CAMS 6 El Paso Downtown C6
CAMS 12 El Paso UTEP C12/A125/X151/G125 (Deactivated Nov 16, 2021)
CAMS 30 El Paso East C30 (Deactivated Sep 01, 1999)
CAMS 36 El Paso Lower Valley Sounder C36
CAMS 37 Ascarate Park SE C37/A332/A172/X159
CAMS 40 El Paso Sun Metro C40/AP116 (Deactivated Dec 04, 2012)
CAMS 41 Chamizal C41/AH126
CAMS 49 Socorro Hueco C49/F312
CAMS 67 BRAVO Big Bend C67/C316/C656/C691
CAMS 72 Skyline Park C72
CAMS 116 El Paso Sun Metro C40/AP116 (Deactivated Dec 10, 2003)
CAMS 123 El Paso Womble A123
CAMS 125 El Paso UTEP C12/A125/X151/G125 (Deactivated Nov 16, 2021)
CAMS 126 Chamizal C41/AH126
CAMS 151 El Paso UTEP C12/A125/X151/G125 (Deactivated Nov 16, 2021)
CAMS 159 Ascarate Park SE C37/A332/A172/X159
CAMS 172 Ascarate Park SE C37/A332/A172/X159
CAMS 316 BRAVO Big Bend C67/C316/C656/C691
CAMS 317 McDonald Observatory C317 (Deactivated Aug 07, 2011)
CAMS 318 Sul Ross (Alpine) C318 (Deactivated Nov 15, 2005)
CAMS 324 Fort Bliss C324 (Deactivated Jan 30, 2014)
CAMS 413 Tillman C413 (Deactivated May 21, 2013)
CAMS 414 Ivanhoe C414/F514
CAMS 415 Moon City C415 (Deactivated Sep 11, 2009)
CAMS 656 BRAVO Big Bend C67/C316/C656/C691
CAMS 658 Guadalupe Mountain National Park C658 (Deactivated Jan 31, 2007)
CAMS 661 Cd Juarez Advance C661 (Deactivated Aug 15, 2014)
CAMS 662 Cd Juarez 20-30 Club C662 (Deactivated Nov 20, 2014)
CAMS 663 Cd Juarez Delphi C663 (Deactivated Dec 03, 2015)
CAMS 691 BRAVO Big Bend C67/C316/C656/C691
CAMS 693 Van Buren Dam C693/F693
CAMS 1011 El Paso Delta C1011 (Deactivated Aug 29, 2023)
CAMS 1021 Ojo De Agua C1021/FG121/FG221
CAMS 3001 Chamizal C41/AH126
CAMS 5018 Guadalupe Pass KGDP C5018 (Deactivated Dec 21, 2021)
CAMS 9996 El Paso Mimosa C9996
Odessa-Midland metropolitan area
CAMS 14 Odessa El Ranchito C14 (Deactivated Jun 06, 2002)
CAMS 47 Odessa Hays C47/A160
CAMS 122 Odessa Hays C47/A160 (Deactivated Aug 16, 2000)
CAMS 1014 Odessa Gonzales C1014
CAMS 1072 Big Spring Midway C1072
CAMS 1092 Odessa Westmark Street C1092
CAMS 1093 Goldsmith Street C1093
CAMS 1095 Midland Avalon Drive C1095
San Angelo metropolitan area
CAMS 5016 San Angelo KSJT C5016 (Deactivated Feb 23, 2022)
Waco metropolitan area
CAMS 651 Temple C651 (Deactivated Nov 07, 2006)
CAMS 653 Millpond Park San Saba C653 (Deactivated Mar 07, 2006)
CAMS 1037 Waco Mazanec C1037
CAMS 1045 Temple Georgia C1045
CAMS 1047 Killeen Skylark Field C1047
CAMS 1075 Rockdale John D. Harper Rd. C1075 (Deactivated Jun 05, 2020)
CAMS 1076 Franklin Oak Grove C1076
CAMS 1084 Fairfield FM 2570 Ward Ranch C1084
CAMS 1086 Bryan Finfeather Road
CAMS 5010 Waco KACT C5010 (Deactivated Feb 23, 2022)
CAMS 5011 College Station KCLL C5011 (Deactivated Oct 03, 2020)
Beaumont-Port Arthur metropolitan area
CAMS 2 Beaumont-Downtown C2/A112/C2002
CAMS 9 West Orange C9/A141
CAMS 28 Port Arthur West C28/A128/A228
CAMS 54 Carroll St. Park C54/A130 (Deactivated Jul 30, 2008)
CAMS 64 Hamshire C64/C654
CAMS 112 Beaumont-Downtown C2/A112/C2002
CAMS 119 Groves A119
CAMS 128 Port Arthur West C28/A128/A228
CAMS 130 Carroll St. Park C54/A130 (Deactivated Oct 14, 2003)
CAMS 131 City Service Center/PA A131/C2000 (Deactivated Apr 29, 2019)
CAMS 136 Port Neches Avenue L A136
CAMS 141 West Orange C9/A141
CAMS 228 Port Arthur West C28/A128/A228
CAMS 303 Port Arthur Memorial School C303/C689
CAMS 311 SETRPC Mauriceville 42 C642/C311/C665
CAMS 628 SETRPC Port Arthur C628
CAMS 639 Newton NTRD C639 (Deactivated Nov 07, 2006)
CAMS 640 SETRPC 40 Sabine Pass C640/C1654
CAMS 642 SETRPC Mauriceville 42 C642/C311/C665
CAMS 643 SETRPC 43 Jefferson Co Airport C643
CAMS 646 San Augustine Airport NTRD C646 (Deactivated Dec 15, 2006)
CAMS 654 Hamshire C64/C654
CAMS 665 SETRPC Mauriceville 42 C642/C311/C665 (Deactivated Nov 15, 2006)
CAMS 689 Port Arthur Memorial School C303/C689
CAMS 1019 Jefferson Co. Airpt C1019/A317/C2001
CAMS 1027 C1027-Alabama-Coushatta-TX (Deactivated Oct 17, 2008)
CAMS 1035 Nederland 17th Street C1035
CAMS 1050 Beaumont Mary C1050/A331
CAMS 1071 Port Arthur West 7th Street C1071
CAMS 1083 Orange 1st Street C1083
CAMS 1628 SETRPC Port Arthur C628
CAMS 1654 SETRPC 40 Sabine Pass C640/C1654 (Deactivated Jun 30, 2006)
CAMS 2000 City Service Center/PA A131/C2000 (Deactivated Nov 18, 2008)
CAMS 2001 Jefferson Co. Airpt C1019/A317/C2001
CAMS 2002 Beaumont-Downtown C2/A112/C2002
CAMS 5013 Lufkin KLFK C5013 (Deactivated Oct 05, 2020)
Austin metropolitan area
CAMS 3 Austin North Hills Drive C3/A322
CAMS 25 Parmer Lane C25 (Deactivated Mar 01, 1997)
CAMS 32 Austin Downtown C32 (Deactivated May 19, 1998)
CAMS 38 Audubon C38
CAMS 62 San Marcos Airport Dr C62 (Deactivated Aug 24, 2002)
CAMS 171 Austin Webberville Road AF171
CAMS 322 Burnet County Hospital C322 (Deactivated Jul 29, 2005)
CAMS 326 Zavala C326 (Deactivated May 03, 2019)
CAMS 601 Fayette County C601 (Deactivated Dec 04, 2018)
CAMS 613 Pflugerville Wastewater C613 (Deactivated Nov 03, 2006)
CAMS 614 Dripping Springs School C614
CAMS 674 CAPCOG Round Rock C674 (Deactivated Nov 25, 2010)
CAMS 675 CAPCOG San Marcos C675 (Deactivated Sep 14, 2011)
CAMS 684 CAPCOG McKinney Roughs C684 (Deactivated Nov 28, 2018)
CAMS 690 CAPCOG Lake Georgetown C690
CAMS 1026 Austin 5th Street C1026 (Deactivated Oct 30, 2015)
CAMS 1068 Austin North Interstate 35 C1068
CAMS 1094 Jarrell FM 487 C1094 (Deactivated Jun 26, 2024)
CAMS 1603 Gorzycki Middle School C1603 (Deactivated Nov 20, 2019)
CAMS 1604 Lockhart C1604
CAMS 1605 St. Edwards University C1605
CAMS 1612 CAPCOG Bastrop CAMS1612
CAMS 1613 CAPCOG Elgin C1613
CAMS 1619 CAPCOG East Austin C1619
CAMS 1620 CAPCOG Round Rock Brushy Creek W C1620
CAMS 1629 CAPCOG Taylor Murphy Park C1629
CAMS 1630 CAPCOG Lake Kyle Park C1630
CAMS 1675 CAPCOG San Marcos Staples Road C1675
CAMS 5001 Camp Mabry KATT C5001/C5002 (Deactivated Jul 11, 2004)
CAMS 5002 Camp Mabry KATT C5001/C5002 (Deactivated Jul 20, 2020)
CAMS 5003 Austin Bergstrom KAUS C5003 (Deactivated Feb 02, 2022)
CAMS 5009 Burnet County Airport KBMQ C5009 (Deactivated Feb 02, 2022)
CAMS 6602 CAPCOG Hutto College Street C6602 (Deactivated Nov 16, 2020)
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria metropolitan area
CAMS 1 Houston East C1/G316
CAMS 8 Houston Aldine C8/AF108/X150
CAMS 10 Texas City C10 (Deactivated Jul 08, 2004)
CAMS 11 Clute C11/A111
CAMS 15 Channelview C15/AH115
CAMS 22 Houston Manchester C22 (Deactivated Jan 20, 1998)
CAMS 26 Northwest Harris Co. C26/A110/X154
CAMS 34 Galveston Airport C34/A109/X152 (Deactivated Mar 21, 2007)
CAMS 35 Hou.DeerPrk2 C35/235/1001/AFH139FP239
CAMS 45 Seabrook Friendship Park C45
CAMS 48 Houston Wharton C48 (Deactivated May 03, 2012)
CAMS 51 Ellington Field C51 (Deactivated May 04, 2005)
CAMS 53 Houston Bayland Park C53/A146
CAMS 55 Clinton C403/C304/AH113
CAMS 65 Conroe C65 (Deactivated Sep 25, 2001)
CAMS 78 Conroe Relocated C78/A321
CAMS 81 Houston Regional Office C81 (Deactivated Jun 25, 2012)
CAMS 84 Manvel Croix Park C84
CAMS 96 Smith Point Hawkins Camp C96/C638 (Deactivated Sep 18, 2024)
CAMS 100 Nessler Pool A100 (Deactivated Aug 21, 2007)
CAMS 108 Houston Aldine C8/AF108/X150
CAMS 109 Galveston Airport C34/A109/X152 (Deactivated Aug 20, 2003)
CAMS 110 Northwest Harris Co. C26/A110/X154
CAMS 113 Clinton C403/C304/AH113
CAMS 114 HRM-3 Haden Road C603/A114
CAMS 115 Channelview C15/AH115
CAMS 139 Hou.DeerPrk2 C35/235/1001/AFH139FP239
CAMS 145 Shore Acres A145
CAMS 146 Houston Bayland Park C53/A146
CAMS 147 Texas City Ball Park A147/C1022
CAMS 148 Baytown A148
CAMS 150 Houston Aldine C8/AF108/X150
CAMS 152 Galveston Airport C34/A109/X152 (Deactivated Aug 08, 2003)
CAMS 154 Northwest Harris Co. C26/A110/X154
CAMS 165 Lynchburg Ferry C1015/A165
CAMS 166 San Jacinto Monument C166/C245 (Deactivated Apr 16, 2003)
CAMS 167 Galena Park A1667
CAMS 169 Houston Milby Park A169
CAMS 175 Cesar Chavez C1020/175
CAMS 181 Houston Bayland Park C53/A146
CAMS 235 Hou.DeerPrk2 C35/235/1001/AFH139FP239
CAMS 240 Port of Houston (Fuel Cell) C240 (Deactivated Aug 09, 2001)
CAMS 243 La Porte Airport C243
CAMS 245 San Jacinto Monument C166/C245 (Deactivated Apr 16, 2003)
CAMS 304 Clinton C403/C304/AH113
CAMS 309 Kingwood C309 (Deactivated Jan 21, 2017)
CAMS 403 Clinton C403/C304/AH113
CAMS 404 Houston Kirkpatrick C404 (Deactivated Apr 18, 2023)
CAMS 405 Houston North Wayside C405/C1033
CAMS 406 Houston Monroe C406
CAMS 407 Houston Crawford C407 (Deactivated Mar 27, 2001)
CAMS 408 Lang C408
CAMS 409 Houston Croquet C409
CAMS 410 Houston Westhollow C410/C3003
CAMS 411 Houston Texas Avenue C411 (Deactivated Oct 24, 2016)
CAMS 416 Park Place C416
CAMS 417 Houston Harvard Street C417
CAMS 551 Sheldon C551
CAMS 552 Baytown Wetlands Center C552
CAMS 553 Crosby Library C553
CAMS 554 West Houston C554
CAMS 555 Kingwood Library C555 (Deactivated Mar 18, 2010)
CAMS 556 La Porte Sylvan Beach C556
CAMS 557 Mercer Arboretum C557
CAMS 558 Tom Bass C558
CAMS 559 Katy Park C559
CAMS 560 Atascocita C560
CAMS 561 Meyer Park C561
CAMS 562 Bunker Hill Village C562
CAMS 563 Huffman Wolf Road C563
CAMS 570 Clear Brook High School C570 (Deactivated May 26, 2018)
CAMS 571 Clear Creek High School C571 (Deactivated Aug 11, 2018)
CAMS 572 Clear Lake High School C572 (Deactivated May 24, 2016)
CAMS 603 HRM-3 Haden Road C603/A114
CAMS 604 HRM-4 Sheldon Rd C604 (Deactivated Dec 06, 2001)
CAMS 607 HRM-7 W Baytown C607
CAMS 608 HRM-8 LaPorte C608 (Deactivated Dec 05, 2001)
CAMS 610 HRM-10 Mont Belvieu C610 (Deactivated Dec 06, 2001)
CAMS 611 HRM-11 E Baytown C611 (Deactivated Dec 05, 2001)
CAMS 615 Texas City BP 31st St. C615/C1615
CAMS 616 Texas City BP Onsite C616/C1616
CAMS 617 Wallisville Road C617
CAMS 618 Danciger C618 (Deactivated Jul 07, 2020)
CAMS 619 Mustang Bayou C619 (Deactivated Nov 16, 2015)
CAMS 620 Texas City 34th St. C620
CAMS 621 Texas City BP Logan St. C621/C1621
CAMS 638 Smith Point Hawkins Camp C96/C638 (Deactivated Dec 12, 2006)
CAMS 669 Texas Petrochemicals FTIR South C669
CAMS 670 Texas Petrochemicals FTIR North C670
CAMS 671 Goodyear Houston Site C671
CAMS 672 Pasadena AAMS C672 (Deactivated Mar 03, 2009)
CAMS 673 Goodyear Houston Site 2 C673
CAMS 683 Texas City 11th St. C683 (Deactivated Dec 08, 2021)
CAMS 688 Pasadena AAMS C688 (Deactivated Mar 02, 2009)
CAMS 695 UH Moody Tower C695 (Deactivated Jul 18, 2024)
CAMS 696 U of H-Sugarland C696 (Deactivated Aug 11, 2018)
CAMS 697 UH Coastal Center C697 (Deactivated Aug 11, 2018)
CAMS 698 UH WG Jones Forest C698 (Deactivated Jul 18, 2024)
CAMS 699 UH West Liberty C699 (Deactivated Feb 22, 2021)
CAMS 1001 Hou.DeerPrk2 C35/235/1001/AFH139FP239
CAMS 1012 Freeport South Avenue C1012
CAMS 1015 Lynchburg Ferry C1015/A165
CAMS 1016 Lake Jackson C1016
CAMS 1017 Baytown Garth C1017
CAMS 1020 Cesar Chavez C1020/175
CAMS 1022 Texas City Ball Park A147/C1022
CAMS 1029 Manchester East Avenue N C1029
CAMS 1030 Channelview North C1030/A309 (Deactivated Oct 02, 2007)
CAMS 1033 Houston North Wayside C405/C1033
CAMS 1034 Galveston 99th St. C1034/A320/X183
CAMS 1036 Channelview Drive Water Tower C1036
CAMS 1049 Pasadena Richey Elementary School C1049
CAMS 1052 Houston North Loop C1052
CAMS 1054 Houston Hartwick C1054 (Deactivated Apr 13, 2017)
CAMS 1066 Houston Southwest Freeway C1066
CAMS 1606 UH Smith Point C1606 (Deactivated Nov 06, 2023)
CAMS 1607 Oyster Creek C1607
CAMS 1608 Freeport North Fenceline C1608
CAMS 1611 UH Launch Trailer C1611 (Deactivated Nov 06, 2023)
CAMS 1614 HRM-16 Deer Park C1614
CAMS 1615 Texas City BP 31st St. C615/C1615
CAMS 1616 Texas City BP Onsite C616/C1616
CAMS 1621 Texas City BP Logan St. C621/C1621
CAMS 1626 Liberty Sam Houston Library C1626 (Deactivated Jul 18, 2024)
CAMS 2003 Galveston C2003 (Deactivated Nov 19, 2008)
CAMS 3000 Hou.DeerPrk2 C35/235/1001/AFH139FP239
CAMS 3003 Houston Westhollow C410/C3003
CAMS 5005 Galveston Airport KGLS C5005 (Deactivated Feb 23, 2022)
CAMS 5006 Conroe Airport KCXO C5006 (Deactivated Feb 02, 2022)
CAMS 5012 Huntsville KUTS C5012 (Deactivated Oct 04, 2020)
CAMS 9995 Texas City Fire Station C9995
San Antonio metropolitan area
CAMS 7 San Antonio North C7 (Deactivated Aug 11, 1998)
CAMS 23 San Antonio Northwest C23
CAMS 27 San Antonio Downtown C27 (Deactivated Oct 06, 2010)
CAMS 58 Camp Bullis C58
CAMS 59 Calaveras Lake C59
CAMS 140 San Antonio Seale A140
CAMS 301 Selma C301
CAMS 501 Elm Creek Elementary C501
CAMS 502 Fair Oaks Ranch C502
CAMS 503 Bulverde Elementary C503
CAMS 504 New Braunfels Airport C504
CAMS 505 AACOG City of Garden Ridge C505
CAMS 506 Seguin Outdoor Learning Center C506
CAMS 622 Heritage Middle School C622
CAMS 623 Gardner Rd. Gas Sub-Station C623
CAMS 625 Gate 9A CPS C625
CAMS 626 Gate 58 CPS C626
CAMS 676 Palo Alto C676 (Deactivated Jun 11, 2020)
CAMS 677 Old Highway 90 C677/A319
CAMS 678 CPS Pecan Valley C678
CAMS 1038 Floresville Hospital Blvd C1038
CAMS 1069 San Antonio IH 35 C1069
CAMS 1070 Karnes County C1070
CAMS 1080 San Antonio Gardner Road C1080 (Deactivated Mar 13, 2023)
CAMS 1087 San Antonio Bulverde Parkway
CAMS 1088 New Braunfels Oak Run Parkway
CAMS 1090 Von Ormy Highway 16 C1090
CAMS 1091 San Antonio Red Hill Lane C1091
CAMS 1609 Calaveras Lake Park C1609
CAMS 1610 Government Canyon C1610
CAMS 1622 AACOG Boerne Lake C1622 (Deactivated Nov 20, 2021)
CAMS 5004 New Braunfels Airport KBAZ C5004 (Deactivated Feb 02, 2022)
Corpus Christi-Victoria metropolitan area
CAMS 4 Corpus Christi West C4
CAMS 21 Corpus Christi Tuloso C21
CAMS 83 Corpus Christi Palm C83
CAMS 87 Victoria C87
CAMS 98 Corpus Christi Huisache C98/A155
CAMS 121 Corpus Navigation C121 (Deactivated Oct 02, 2002)
CAMS 149 Corpus Christi Huisache C98/A155
CAMS 155 Corpus Christi Huisache C98/A155
CAMS 164 Corpus Poth C164 (Deactivated Dec 24, 1997)
CAMS 168 Corpus Hillcrest A170/A168
CAMS 170 Corpus Hillcrest A170/A168
CAMS 195 Corpus Hillcrest A170/A168
CAMS 199 Dona Park C635/AF199/F299
CAMS 314 National Seashore C314
CAMS 602 Victoria Rabbit Run C602 (Deactivated Feb 23, 2006)
CAMS 609 Inez C609 (Deactivated Nov 16, 2017)
CAMS 624 Coleto C624 (Deactivated Nov 20, 2015)
CAMS 629 Port Grain Elevator C629 (Deactivated May 23, 2016)
CAMS 630 J.I. Hailey C630 (Deactivated May 23, 2016)
CAMS 631 Inner Harbor C631 (Deactivated May 15, 2012)
CAMS 632 FHR Easement C632 (Deactivated May 23, 2016)
CAMS 633 Solar Estates C633 (Deactivated May 31, 2017)
CAMS 634 Oak Park C634 (Deactivated May 23, 2016)
CAMS 635 Dona Park C635/AF199/F299
CAMS 641 Beeville Airport C641 (Deactivated Oct 18, 2006)
CAMS 649 Hallettsville C649 (Deactivated Nov 15, 2007)
CAMS 657 Port O Connor C657 (Deactivated Jul 30, 2007)
CAMS 659 Aransas Pass C659 (Deactivated May 31, 2016)
CAMS 660 Holly Road C660 (Deactivated Dec 03, 2018)
CAMS 664 Violet C664 (Deactivated Feb 12, 2019)
CAMS 685 Ingleside C685 (Deactivated Feb 12, 2019)
CAMS 686 Odem C686 (Deactivated May 31, 2016)
CAMS 687 Taft C687 (Deactivated May 31, 2016)
CAMS 1024 Williams Park C1024/E308
CAMS 1602 Cuero C1602 (Deactivated Nov 17, 2015)
Lower Rio Grande Valley metropolitan area
CAMS 42 Edinburg C42/AP142 (Deactivated Oct 29, 2008)
CAMS 43 Mission C43/AP143
CAMS 80 Brownsville C80/AGP180 (Deactivated Apr 05, 2023)
CAMS 142 Edinburg C42/AP142 (Deactivated Nov 21, 2003)
CAMS 143 Mission C43/AP143
CAMS 180 Brownsville C80/AGP180
CAMS 323 Isla Blanca Park C323/C667
CAMS 667 Isla Blanca Park C323/C667
CAMS 1023 Harlingen Teege C1023
CAMS 1046 Edinburg East Freddy Gonzalez Dr C1046
CAMS 1048 Mercedes C1048/A310 (Deactivated Oct 10, 2012)
CAMS 1098 Brownsville East 6th Street C1098
Laredo metropolitan area
CAMS 44 Laredo College C44
CAMS 66 Laredo Bridge C66/AF173
CAMS 144 Laredo College C44
CAMS 173 Laredo Bridge C66/AF173
CAMS 313 World Trade Bridge C313
CAMS 319 Eagle Pass C319/C655
CAMS 321 Lake Amistad C321 (Deactivated Jul 22, 2005)
CAMS 655 Eagle Pass C319/C655
CAMS 5017 Del Rio KDRT C5017 (Deactivated Feb 23, 2022)
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