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Lower Rio Grande Valley Region Monitor Summary

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Parameter Monitored POC First Valid Data Monitor Status
Edinburg C42/AP142  Deactivated: Oct 29, 2008
    Ozone 1 R Apr 8, 1998 Deactivated Oct 28, 2008
Wind Speed 1 Apr 8, 1998 Deactivated Oct 28, 2008
Resultant Wind Speed 1 Apr 8, 1998 Deactivated Oct 28, 2008
Resultant Wind Direction 1 Apr 8, 1998 Deactivated Oct 28, 2008
Maximum Wind Gust 1 Apr 8, 1998 Deactivated Oct 28, 2008
Standard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction 1 Apr 8, 1998 Deactivated Oct 28, 2008
Outdoor Temperature 1 Apr 8, 1998 Deactivated Oct 28, 2008
Solar Radiation 1 Aug 14, 2002 Deactivated Oct 28, 2008
Mission C43/AP143
    Ozone 1 R Apr 6, 1998 Active
Wind Speed 1 Apr 6, 1998 Active
Wind Direction 1 Jun 6, 2022 Active
Resultant Wind Speed 1 Apr 6, 1998 Active
Resultant Wind Direction 1 Apr 6, 1998 Active
Maximum Wind Gust 1 Apr 6, 1998 Active
Standard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction 1 Apr 6, 1998 Active
Outdoor Temperature 1 Apr 6, 1998 Active
Solar Radiation 1 Aug 14, 2002 Active
PM-10 (Standard Conditions) 4 N Jan 29, 2002 Deactivated Apr 4, 2013
PM-10 (Standard Conditions) 5 R Oct 10, 2023 Active
PM-2.5 (Local Conditions) 2 R Jan 24, 2018 Deactivated Dec 14, 2022
PM-2.5 (Local Conditions) 3 N Apr 26, 2001 Deactivated Jan 1, 2007
PM-2.5 (Local Conditions) 5 R Oct 10, 2023 Active
PM-2.5 (Local Conditions) Acceptable 3 Jan 1, 2007 Deactivated Jan 24, 2018
Brownsville C80/AGP180  Deactivated: Apr 5, 2023
    Carbon Monoxide 1 R Apr 8, 1998 Deactivated Jan 6, 2018
Sulfur Dioxide 1 R Apr 9, 1998 Deactivated Dec 18, 2000
Ozone 1 R Apr 8, 1998 Deactivated Jan 6, 2018
Wind Speed 1 Apr 7, 1998 Deactivated Apr 5, 2023
Wind Direction 1 Sep 13, 2022 Deactivated Apr 5, 2023
Maximum Wind Gust 1 Apr 7, 1998 Deactivated Apr 5, 2023
Outdoor Temperature 1 Apr 7, 1998 Deactivated Apr 5, 2023
Solar Radiation 1 Aug 14, 2002 Deactivated Apr 5, 2023
PM-10 (Standard Conditions) 4 N Apr 24, 2001 Deactivated Apr 4, 2013
PM-10 (Local Conditions) 1 Apr 7, 1998 Deactivated Jun 16, 1999
PM-2.5 (Local Conditions) 2 R Jan 24, 2018 Deactivated Apr 5, 2023
PM-2.5 (Local Conditions) 3 N Dec 30, 1999 Deactivated Jan 1, 2007
PM-2.5 (Local Conditions) Acceptable 3 Jan 1, 2007 Deactivated Dec 31, 2016
Isla Blanca Park C323/C667
    Ozone 1 N Oct 26, 2005 Deactivated Jul 17, 2007
Wind Speed 1 Aug 2, 2005 Active
Wind Direction 1 Jun 7, 2022 Active
Resultant Wind Speed 1 Aug 2, 2005 Active
Resultant Wind Direction 1 Aug 2, 2005 Active
Maximum Wind Gust 1 Aug 2, 2005 Active
Standard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction 1 Aug 2, 2005 Active
Outdoor Temperature 1 Aug 2, 2005 Active
PM-2.5 (Local Conditions) 1 R Oct 3, 2019 Active
PM-2.5 (Local Conditions) Acceptable 3 Jun 24, 2013 Deactivated Oct 1, 2019
Harlingen Teege C1023
    Ozone 1 R Oct 9, 2012 Active
Wind Speed 1 Oct 9, 2012 Active
Wind Direction 1 Jun 7, 2022 Active
Resultant Wind Speed 1 Oct 9, 2012 Active
Resultant Wind Direction 1 Oct 9, 2012 Active
Maximum Wind Gust 1 Oct 9, 2012 Active
Standard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction 1 Oct 9, 2012 Active
Outdoor Temperature 1 Oct 9, 2012 Active
Edinburg East Freddy Gonzalez Dr C1046
    Wind Speed 1 Jul 14, 2015 Active
Wind Direction 1 Jun 13, 2022 Active
Resultant Wind Speed 1 Jul 14, 2015 Active
Resultant Wind Direction 1 Jul 14, 2015 Active
Maximum Wind Gust 1 Jul 14, 2015 Active
Standard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction 1 Jul 14, 2015 Active
Outdoor Temperature 1 Jul 14, 2015 Active
PM-2.5 (Local Conditions) 2 R Jun 6, 2022 Active
Mercedes C1048/A310  Deactivated: Oct 10, 2012
    Ozone 1 R Oct 29, 2008 Deactivated Oct 10, 2012
Wind Speed 1 Oct 29, 2008 Deactivated Oct 10, 2012
Resultant Wind Speed 1 Oct 29, 2008 Deactivated Oct 10, 2012
Resultant Wind Direction 1 Oct 29, 2008 Deactivated Oct 10, 2012
Maximum Wind Gust 1 Oct 29, 2008 Deactivated Oct 10, 2012
Standard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction 1 Oct 29, 2008 Deactivated Oct 10, 2012
Outdoor Temperature 1 Oct 29, 2008 Deactivated Oct 10, 2012
Solar Radiation 1 Oct 29, 2008 Deactivated Oct 10, 2012
Brownsville East 6th Street C1098
    Wind Speed 1 Apr 4, 2023 Active
Wind Direction 1 Apr 4, 2023 Active
Resultant Wind Speed 1 Nov 14, 2023 Active
Resultant Wind Direction 1 Nov 14, 2023 Active
Maximum Wind Gust 1 Apr 4, 2023 Active
Standard Deviation of Horizontal Wind Direction 1 Nov 14, 2023 Active
Outdoor Temperature 1 Apr 4, 2023 Active
Solar Radiation 1 Apr 5, 2023 Active
PM-2.5 (Local Conditions) 1 R Apr 4, 2023 Active
 R - Data from this instrument meets EPA quality assurance criteria for regulatory purposes.
 N - Data from this instrument does not meet EPA quality assurance criteria and cannot be used for regulatory purposes.

PLEASE NOTE:  This data has not been verified by the TCEQ and may change. This is the most current data, but it is not official until it has been certified by our technical staff. Data is collected from TCEQ ambient monitoring sites and may include data collected by other outside agencies. This data is updated hourly. All times shown are in local standard time unless otherwise indicated.

Following EPA reporting guidelines, negative values may be displayed in our hourly criteria air quality data, down to the negative of the EPA listed Method Detection Limit (MDL) for the particular instrument that made the measurements. The reported concentrations can be negative due to zero drift in the electronic instrument output, data logger channel, or calibration adjustments to the data. Prior to 1/1/2013, slightly negative values were automatically set to zero.