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CAMS 764 Monthly Summary Report

Use this form to retrieve monthly summaries of hourly average data collected at CAMS 764. Although this is our most current data, it is not considered official until it has been certified by our technical staff. This information is updated hourly.

This web page provides the most current hourly averaged data available. Our convention for time-tagging data is the beginning of each hour. For example, values shown for the noon hour are based on measurements taken from noon to 1:00 p.m. The noon average will not be calculated until after 1:00 p.m. The noon average will then be available on our external server from 1:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. This results in an apparent one-hour time lag in the data. We also present our data in Local Standard Time for each measuring site. For most of Texas this is Central Standard Time. During Daylight Savings, this introduces another apparent one-hour time lag in the data.

Select a monitoring site:

View monthly summaries of the hourly averages for all the parameters measured by the TCEQ at your selected monitoring site. Select the monitoring site you are interested in from the list below. Once you select a new site, the parameter list will update to reflect the actual parameters measured at the site you choose.

Find Site:       
This page will refresh when you select a different CAMS from this list.

Always select the CAMS you want before setting any options below (selecting a new CAMS forces this web page to refresh and reset to the previously stored options).

Select a month:

Use the selection boxes below to select a month and year. Check beside each parameter to see when a particular parameter is available at a site.

  This page will refresh when you select a different month or year.

Always select the month and year you want before setting any options below (selecting a different month or year forces this web page to refresh and reset to the previously stored options).

Select one or more Parameters:

You may use the checkboxes below to control which parameters will be in the report and how the report will be formatted. If you have cookies enabled on your browser, these selections will be "remembered" from session to session when you click on any of the "Generate Report" buttons.

Surface Water Temperature (degrees Centigrade) -- available from Jul 2008 to Feb 2025
Surface Specific Conductance (microsiemens per centimeter) -- available from Jul 2008 to Feb 2025
Total Dissolved Solids (milligrams per liter) -- available from Jan 2010 to Feb 2025
Surface Dissolved Oxygen (milligrams per liter) -- available from Jul 2008 to Feb 2025
Surface Water pH (pH units) -- available from Jul 2008 to Feb 2025

Advanced Reporting Options

Select a time format:

Choose to have the report generated in either an AM/PM format or in a 24-hour format. This time format only affects the labeling in the table header and not the report contents. The report is always generated in Local Standard Time (LST) for each reporting station.

AM/PM Format
24 Hour Format

Select a report format:

Use the buttons below to select a report format. You may select to view the monthly summary in either a tabular format (web-page formatted table) or as a comma-delimited file. If you want to cut and paste data from this web page into another application, such as a spreadsheet, select the comma-delimited format. To generate a report with each table on a separate page, select the printer friendly format.

Tabular (Web Formatted)
Printer Friendly
Microsoft Word
Generic RTF

Selecting the Comma-Delimited option will override the following selections: time format is set to 24 hour; the day output in the report contains a full month/day/year; there are no color highlights; no highlight legends are displayed.

Selecting the Printer Friendly option will override the following selections: there are no color highlights; no highlight legends are displayed. In addition, the report does not use HTML formatting commands and each table is separated by a page break command. This option is designed to allow you to print the summary report with each table on a single page. This option produces a Rich Text Format (RTF) stream that is directed to the word processor you choose. When your browser starts the external application (word processor you selected), select the "Open it" option and click on the OK button - the word processor you selected will be opened and the report loaded. The report is formatted for landscape mode with minimal margins. The font for each table is selected based on the calculated maximum width of the report. Print from your word processor just like you would any other document. If you do not have Microsoft Word, or WordPerfect installed on your computer, select the "Generic RTF" word processor type. Your browser will prompt you for what to do. Select "Pick App". From this point you should be able to use any word processor that understands RTF.

Select Statistics:

You may choose any of the statistics below to be included in the report. Daily statistics will appear in columns at the far right of the report. Monthly statistics will appear at the bottom of each table.

Maximum ValueThe highest measured value for the day or month.
Second Highest ValueThe second highest measured value for the day or month.
Minimum ValueThe smallest measured value for the day or month.
Average ValueFor most parameters, this is the daily or monthly average of all measured values; for resultant wind speed or resultant wind direction, this is a vector average; for precipitation, this is the amount of rain accumulated during a day or the entire month.
Standard DeviationThe standard deviation of the measured values - calculated by the 1/N method. This is an indication of the variability of the measurements.
Data CaptureThe percentage of valid data collected during a day or the entire month.

Select Highlighting Options:

    Green underline for validated data (Validated data has been manually reviewed by a data validator)

PLEASE NOTE:  This data has not been verified by the TCEQ and may change. This is the most current data, but it is not official until it has been certified by our technical staff.