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Chemicals in Drinking Water

Chemicals found in drinking water including arsenic, lead and copper, disinfection byproducts, radionuclides, drinking water quality data, monitoring and testing.

Drinking Water Watch

Use this searchable database of analytical results and data to learn more about the quality of your drinking water and your public water system's compliance with state and federal regulations.


What regulations address arsenic in drinking water. Removal requirements to meet maximum contaminant levels (MCL), public notice requirements, and health effects of arsenic in drinking water.

Lead and Copper

Lead and Copper
The Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) program protects public health by minimizing lead and copper in drinking water and applies to all community water systems and non-transient non-community water systems. Click the link to access guidance, forms, instructions, and information for public water systems, labs, and the general public about LCR requirements.

Disinfection Byproducts

Disinfection Byproducts in Public Water Systems
What are disinfection byproducts, how do they form, and how can public water systems control them?


Radionuclide Testing for Interim Approval of Well Completion
Required testing, required checklists, and other information for completing a well interim approval.

Radiochemicals in Drinking Water
Information on the occurrence of radiochemicals in public water systems (PWSs) in Texas, long-term risks to health, treatment options, compliance determination and public notification requirements.

Monitoring and Testing

Public Water System Chemical Sampling and Monitoring Frequency
Basic information for public water systems about sampling and monitoring requirements.

Accredited Labs for Sample Analysis
Basic information for public water systems about sampling and monitoring requirements.

Understanding Chemical Analysis Results
Reading and interpreting the results of chemical analyses reported to public water systems by a drinking water laboratory.